
How can I attract customers in OLX?

How can I attract customers in OLX?

Create an engaging ad title. The first field in the form will ask you to add a suitable title for your product. Make sure to give your ad a catchy title. This will help to attract more customers to your product (e.g., “Brand new Canvas knight for sale – excellent condition”).

What is the marketing strategy for OLX?

OLX Price/Pricing Strategy: OLX follows a free-mium model for its classifieds ads service. Majority of the people don’t pay for listings, but those who want their ads to be highlighted and listed at the top in search results need to pay minimal charges for their listings to OLX.

What sells most on OLX?

OLX is the best destination in India for buying and selling used goods. The most popular and active categories are that of mobile phones, computer, electronic items, household goods such as furniture, and used cars and bikes.

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How do I sell things on OLX fast?

You can check the plans from your OLX application. Just to “My ads” and select the ad you want to promote. Then click on the option “Sell faster”. You will find a list of packages you can pick from.

How can I start selling on OLX?

The OLX selling and shipping process

  1. Create your account. Go to OLX website and choose your country.
  2. Create the ad. Click on “Sell your item now”, choose a product or service category and write the ad.
  3. Complete and check the ad.
  4. Find the right shipping service.

How many ads can I post on OLX?

Commercial & Other Vehicles : The limit is 1 in 365 days. Spare Parts: The limit is 1 in 365 days. Jobs category, there are few cities where the limits are changed and the rest of India is as mentioned in the grid. Kochi the limit is 2 in 180 days.

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Who is the target market for Olx?

An OLX user is typically young, educated with reasonably good disposable income and digitally evolved. Such highly engaged audience makes OLX an attractive platform for marketers to target the ever-evolving online consumers.

What is Olx business model?

It makes money based on cost per impression, cost per view, cost per click. So Olx monetizes the clicks of video ads on the home page or the product (individual page) until the transaction is made. Also, there is a search bar where buyers can search for the products they’re looking for.

What is boost to top in OLX?

OLX reserves the right to limit the extent and manner in which Featured Ads may be edited by you. Boost to Top is a feature that bumps your advertisement to the top of the listing space in the city-specific category in which the advertisement has been posted.

Does OLX charge money for selling?

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As e-commerce takes wing in India, buying and selling of used goods online is also picking up pace. OLX calls itself India’s number one marketplace for buying and selling of used goods. Till now, OLX has not been charging any fee for listing old items and only uses advertising to generate revenues.