
How can I change my PNB security question?

How can I change my PNB security question?

Logging in Internet Banking- ➢ Enter your password & Click on login button. ➢ Read and agree to “I Accept Terms & Conditions”. ➢ Enter OTP sent to your registered mobile number and submit. ➢ Select 7 Security questions out of 50 questions and Click on Register”.

How do you answer bank security questions?

Tips for selecting your security questions and answers

  1. Choose questions having answers that you can remember in the future and answer consistently.
  2. Use one-word answers whenever possible.
  3. Be careful with spaces.
  4. Avoid using quirky or nonsensical answers as they’ll likely to be difficult to remember later.

How do I change my security questions on my email?

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Go to Profile and then Sign-in info. In the Online security questions section, select Change security questions. Complete and save your security questions and answers.

What is security question and answer?

Security Question & Answer means an answer used to verify the identity of a User when the User resets the User’s Compliant Password.

How do I change my Security Questions BBVA?

  1. Place your mouse over Service Center, then click the Online Banking Profile link to select.
  2. In the Online Banking Profile box, click on the Change Security Settings link.
  3. For your Security Questions, select from the list of questions under each of the three question dropdown menus.

What if you forgot your Security Questions?

If you forgot the answers to your Apple ID security questions

  • Go to
  • Enter your Apple ID, then select Continue.
  • Choose the option to reset your security questions, then select Continue.
  • Enter your Apple ID password, then select Continue.
  • Follow the onscreen steps to verify your identity.
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What if you forgot your security questions?

How do you create a security question?

What makes a good security question?

  1. Confidentiality: No one else should be able to guess, research, or otherwise obtain the answer.
  2. Memorability: Users need to remember the answer, potentially for a long time after creating an account.
  3. Consistency: The answer to the question can’t change over time.

How do I change my security questions on Google?

Google no longer supports security questions on accounts. They are not deleting existing ones, but you can’t change or add a security question (only delete). So the account recovery options would be phone number and other email id.