
How can I check property details online in India?

How can I check property details online in India?

The official website is Click on View Land Record once you are on the website. Submit necessary details about the Taluka, District, Survey Number and Village. Then enter the Captcha or Verification Code and click Get Detail.

How can I check property details online in up?

How can I check my land registry online in UP?

  1. Go to Bhulekh UP.
  2. Click on Khatauni Ki Nakal Dekhin on the home page.
  3. Enter the details like village, tehsil, and district.
  4. Enter the captcha displayed and click on green button.
  5. The details of the land records will be displayed.

How do I find out who owns land in India?

The official site that you should visit is and you should click on View Land Record. You will be sent to the requisite web page for getting your 7/12 (Satbara) records. Submit necessary details about the Taluk, District, Survey Number and Village.

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How to verify your registered land records of Tamil Nadu?

Verify your registered land records of Tamil Nadu. You can verify your registered land records online, this service is provided by the Tamil Nadu State Government through its e-Services portal. Users need to select the district, Taluk, village and provide the survey number, sub-division and reference number to verify the document.

How to check Land Records in Gujarat online?

Check land records in Gujarat online Get the land records – Record of Rights-RoR online for various villages of Gujarat. This service is provided by the Department of Revenue, Gujarat State. Users can get details of the RoR by selecting the name of the district, taluka, village and survey number of the land.

Why should you check land records online in India?

Recently the government of India has modified real estate bill which will protect the buyer against any frauds. However if you are buying and land or property it is recommended that you should check land or property record on your own. Today I will share information about how to check land records online in India.

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How to check 7/12 record of land in Maharashtra?

Checking Land Records online Maharashtra Visit official land record site of Maharashtra it is popularly known as e maha bhumi.. You need to select a district. Now you can search 7/12 record of land by entering survey number of by entering a name. Click on the search button and 7/12 records of land will be displayed.