
How can I get NOC driving license in Chandigarh?

How can I get NOC driving license in Chandigarh?


  1. Form No.
  2. Owner’s Undertaking (Along with latest photograph, self attested)
  3. Copy of Registration Certificate (Self attested)
  4. Chassis & Engine Pencil Print (Plate prints not acceptable)
  5. Copy of valid Insurance Certificate (Self attested)
  6. Valid Road Tax & Fitness of the vehicle.

How can I get NOC driving Licence in Punjab?

How to Get NOC from RTO?

  1. Visit the local RTO personally and submit the application for the NOC.
  2. Next, submit duly-filled CMV 38 form along with the documents required by the RTO.
  3. The owner of the vehicle will need to visit the local RTO in person to submit the application for the NOC.

How can I get no objection certificate from RTO?

Step 1 – To initiate for NOC application, a vehicle’s owner is required to visit the RTO where it is initially registered in-person. Step 2 – Fill up the Form 28 as prescribed in Chapter IV Section 48 of the Motor Vehicles Act 1988 to apply for NOC. Step 3 – Pay the applicable fees to obtain NOC for your vehicle.

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Can I get NOC online in Punjab?

New screen will open to give options to choose. Choose “Application for No Objection Certificate” to get new screen. In the next screen, Fill in required details and upload documents to process the online procedure. Take printout of acknowledgment and application.

How can I get NOC certificate from HDFC Bank?

How to get Duplicate NOC Online?

  1. Login To HDFC Bank Netbanking.
  2. Open the Loans Tab on the top right side of the screen.
  3. Select Request Option on Left side of the screen.
  4. Click On NOC / Closure Letter on Left side of the screen.
  5. Select Loan Account Number and Click on View.

How do I get a No Objection Certificate for my car?

Go to the online portal ‘Parivahan’. Fill in your vehicle’s registration number and click on ‘Proceed’. On the page you are redirected to; choose ‘Application for No Objection Certificate’ from the available options. On the next page, enter the last five digits of your vehicle’s chassis number.

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How to apply for an NOC for a vehicle in India?

The owner of the vehicle will need to visit the local RTO in person to submit the application for the NOC. The completed CMV 28 form needs to be submitted along with various important documents. You are required to make a payment of Rs.100 for the NOC application.

How to apply for No Objection Certificate (NOC) online?

Once you confirm the availability, proceed with the following steps to apply for a vehicle’s NOC online. Go to the online portal ‘Parivahan’. Fill in your vehicle’s registration number and click on ‘Proceed’. On the page you are redirected to; choose ‘Application for No Objection Certificate’ from the available options.

Is it mandatory to obtain NOC for driving license transfer?

Individuals generally not aware that it is a mandatory to obtain NOC for driving license transfer / vehicle transfer when one shifts the resident location to new place within a state or other States/UT. What is NOC?