
How can I get RTU enrollment card?

How can I get RTU enrollment card?

To get your Consolidated Mark sheet and Provisional Degree Certificate, please go through following steps:

  1. Download relevant application form from here.
  2. Fill the complete form.
  3. Attach (a) Copy of all mark sheets issued during completion of course (b) Copy of enrolment card (c) Photo copy of Personal ID with address ID.

How can I get old Marksheet from RTU?

To get a Duplicate Mark sheet/Certificate, please go through following steps:

  1. Download relevant application formfrom here.
  2. Fill the complete form.
  3. Attach (a) Copy of all semester mark sheets issued during completion of course (Fail and Pass both).
  4. Enclose a Demand Draft of Rs.

How many years does it take to clear back in RTU?

In case you are pursuing B.TECH from RTU then.. You’ll have 4 years of the B.Tech for clearing backs and you’ll get extra 4 years after the final year but if you fail to clear in these 8 years then you’ll get a NON-TECHNICAL Degree from RTU. I.e NFT (Not fit for technical)

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How to check rtrtu revaluation results?

RTU Revaluation Results are released online. A student who fails in any theory paper in the sem exam will be eligible to write the back paper exam in the next ensuing sem exam. Such student has to clear all the back papers including the back papers in time.

What happens if you don’t clear all your papers in BTech?

Its directly states that if you can’t clear all your papers into your B.Tech time period (4years). Then you’ll get extra 4 years to clear all of them your papers, and unluckily you failed to do it. 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank.

What is the exam schedule of RTU Kota?

RTU conducts its even semester exams in May/June and odd sem exams November-December. The varsity publishes the result within 60-70 days of examinations. RTU declares its internal exam results on a semester basis for RTU Kota UG & PG courses (regular & supplementary) every year.

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