
How can I see everyone who retweeted my tweet?

How can I see everyone who retweeted my tweet?

Method 1. ii) Click on profile on Left side of the screen. iii) Now Click on the tweet you to check liked or retweets. This will open the tweet individually with comments underneath it if have. iv) Now under the tweet you will number of people who liked or retweeted that tweet.

Can someone see if you retweeted their tweet?

Yes, Twitter notifies users when you like or retweet something they retweeted. Here’s what the notifications look like: If you want to avoid this, you can click through to the original tweet or the author’s profile and like/retweet it from there.

How can you tell if someone retweeted something?

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Click or tap the other person’s profile icon so that you can view their Twitter timeline. Scroll down until you see the particular retweet of interest.

What does putting a period before a tweet do?

Originally Answered: Why do some tweets have a period in front? This is to ensure that the tweet, which is originally a reply to a specific handle, is visible to everyone. Tweets that begin with username mentions are only visible on timelines of users who follow both people.

How do I see who retweeted Me on Twitter?

Go to your Notifications tab. There you will see all activity concerning your Tweets—including which have recently been Retweeted and by whom. From the Tweet detail page, you’ll be able to see how many Retweets of your Tweet there are, in additon to how many Quote Tweets there are. To view who Retweeted you, tap the Retweets tab.

Do retweets count as engagement on Twitter?

See, any engagement that comes form the retweet actually goes to the original tweet. People who retweet a retweet are actually just retweeting the original tweet. Retweets are like windows into the past, they aren’t really duplicates of the content.

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Why are my retweets not showing up in apps?

Note: Retweets may appear differently in third-party applications, and will show up in apps only if they are using Twitter’s Retweet API. Many apps have built in their own version of Retweeting—those Tweets are not treated as official Retweets on Twitter.

What is the best app for Twitter retweets?

Fenice for Twitter Tweeting with Fenice for Twitter (£1.49, US$1.99, AU$2.39) is a very pleasant experience. It offers a level of customization you’d expect from a premium app, enabling you to adjust not only colors and feeds, but also link shortening, spellcheck, and formatting for edited retweets.