
How can I see what devices are logged into my PSN account?

How can I see what devices are logged into my PSN account?

Alternatively, you may also log in to your PSN account on web and check if there are unknown devices logged into to your account. To do this, go to the PSN website and go to Account > Device Management. You will be able to see the full list of consoles that are linked to your account.

How do you check activity log on ps4?

You can view your activities and others’ activities under [What’s New], in the content info area, and on the profile screens for you and your Friends. You can also post screenshots directly to your activities. When you select an activity, select (Like) to show that you like it.

How do I clear my PSN search history?

Press the OPTIONS button, and then select [Browsing History]. Select the page in browsing history you want to open. At most, the latest 100 pages are saved. You can delete pages by pressing the OPTIONS button on the browsing history list screen, and then selecting [Clear Browsing History].

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Does changing my PSN password log me out?

I once changed a PSN password on the PS3 and was then logged out on the PS4, so it should definitely have logged you out of the console from wherever you change the password.

Does deactivating PS4 delete games?

You will lose access to any content purchased using the account. This content cannot be transferred to another account, and refunds can only be given in line with the PlayStation Store cancellation policy. You will lose access to any subscriptions and their associated entitlements.

What happens when u block someone on PS4?

PSN will let you know you’ve been blocked by the user. When someone blocks you on PS4, they’re removed from your friends, following, and followers list (if they were in it). You won’t be able to join a party with them, as well as not being able to send messages to each other (old messages won’t be deleted).