
How can I write RTI for road construction?

How can I write RTI for road construction?

RTI Application for Road Works

  1. The Public Information Officer. Name of the Public Authority. Full Address.
  2. Sample for Battered Road surface and damaged Asphalting. The Public Information Officer. Name of the Public Authority.
  3. Sample for Road Cutting / Digging leading to bad road. The Public Information Officer.

What information can be asked under RTI?

The type of information which may be obtained is defined under section 2 (f) of the Act as any material in any form, including records, documents, memos, e-mails, opinions, advices, press releases, circulars, orders, log books, contracts, reports, papers, samples, models, data material held in any electronic form and …

Can anyone file an RTI?

Any person who is a citizen of India can file an RTI application. He can go for filing an RTI at any point in time whenever he wants to seek any information regarding any government organisation, or its any ongoing program, any public authority, etc. Any person who is a citizen of India can file an RTI application.

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How do I write an application for road construction?

Sir: I am writing to your good-self to bring to your attention the inconvenience being faced by the residents of the village. The road in our locality had been laid many years ago. In the intervening years much of the road has been badly damaged owing to construction work, laying of new sewage and water-supply pipes.

How do I write a good RTI application?

How to file an RTI plea

  1. Step 1: Identify the department you want information from.
  2. Step 2: On a sheet of white paper, write out the application by hand, or type it, in English, Hindi or the official language of the area.
  3. Step 3: Address the application to the State/Central Public Information Officer.

What can not be asked in RTI?

You may only ask for specific information under RTI Act, 2005 rather than questioning the action of public authority. ‘ The RTI act does not state that queries must not be answered, nor does it stipulate that prefixes such as ‘why, what, when and whether’ cannot be used.

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How do I write an application for damage road?

Sir, I, Manash Kundu, a resident of Kalyan Nagar, would hereby, most humbly, bring to your notice that the roads of our locality (211, Kalyan Nagar Malda-732103), need to be mended. The present status of the roads is totally unacceptable with the roads full of pot holes and substandard construction material.