
How can THOR be fat?

How can THOR be fat?

While some audiences accused Endgame of making a joke of Fat Thor, the Avenger was suffering from PTSD after failing to stop Thanos, which manifested his transformation. His trauma led to self-punishment and weight gain; the weight of his past and his perceived Infinity War failure became too much.

Is Thor a fat God?

Because God of War’s Thor does not look like the Thor popularised by the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He is not made of muscles, with beautiful blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. God of War’s Thor is a big boy. He is fat.

Is Thor an immortal God?

Thor has lived for centuries, but his good health doesn’t just come from Asgardian genes. Instead, he owes his longevity to a special diet. It was always assumed that Thor was an ancient being in the films, as he is in the world of Marvel Comics.

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How did Thor get a beer belly?

After Thor lost Asgard, his brother, and many friends and family members, he transformed into an overweight, alcoholic God of Thunder that was severely depressed and confused. He spent most of his days drinking beer and playing video games.

Why was Thor made fat in endgame?

He’s arguably the sexiest avenger, and so they decided to have some fun with that by giving him a massive gut. While you could do this with the other male heroes in the MCU, it works best for Thor since he’s always been a bit vain and cocky, so a big belly helps redefine the character.

Is Thor a fertility god?

Thor. Thor was the most popular of all the gods. He was a god of war and fertility. He created thunder and lightning as he rode over the clouds in a chariot drawn by goats, swinging his hammer Mjöllnir.

How did Thor’s eye heal?

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In order to help him, Rocket gave Thor the eye he had stolen in order to replace the one Thor had lost to Hela. Thor put the prosthesis in his eye’s socket, much to Groot’s interest, although Rocket told Thor that he should have washed it first due to how he had to smuggle it out of Contraxia.

What is Chris Hemsworth’s favorite drink?

But one thing that has remained a stalwart throughout the MCU leading up to Avengers: Endgame is that Thor Odinson, played by Chris Hemsworth, loves to drink beer.