
How can we say that India is a diverse country mention any 3 reasons?

How can we say that India is a diverse country mention any 3 reasons?

(i) India is a land which gave birth to four religions – Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism. Muslims also lived in India having a good population. (ii) Caste system of India is unique like Indian population is divided into Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Shudra.

How do we explain diversity in our country?

Answer: Diversity is the coexistence of different people, plants, animals, etc. It can also be defined as the differences in individual characteristics of a person or a thing. For example, India exhibits diversity as various people practise different religions, speak different languages and have different ethnicity.

What is the diversity of India?

Modern India stands as one of the most diverse countries in the world, a subcontinent that is home to over 100 languages, over 700 different tribes, every major religion in the world, and to some of the world’s largest cities as well as remote regions with almost no people.

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What is meant by diversity in India?

Diversity means that each individual is unique having individual differences. India has always been a country with diversity. People belonging to different religions, cultural backgrounds, caste and regions have been living here in harmony for several centuries.

What is the diversity in India?

How can you say India is a country of unity in diversity?

INDIA IS CALLED “”LAND OF UNITY IN DIVERSITY ” BECAUSE ; 1}India consists of various religion people and all of them live together happily in the land of India. 2}India has different forms of language , dresses, food but still our Indian live unite. 4}India acheived freedom in 1947 only because of their unity.

What is diverse country?

According to this measure, Papua New Guinea is the most diverse country in the world, followed by Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Uganda….Most Ethnically Diverse Countries In The World.

Rank Country Ethnic Diversity Score
1 Papua New Guinea 1.0000
2 Tanzania 0.9530
3 Democratic Republic of Congo 0.9330
4 Uganda 0.9300
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How can you say that India exhibit unity in diversity?

It exhibits unity in diversity in the following ways:

  1. Different parts of the country were ruled by different rulers and had their own languages and cultures.
  2. With the arrival of the British, the entire region, known as modern day India, was brought under the same administration and began to be referred as one entity.

Which is example of diversity in India?

All people of India are from different places, has different languages, customs, culture, types of food and most importantly people of India have different Ideas. This is a good example of diversity in India and proves India as a diverse country.

How can you say that nature is full of diversity?

Answer: In nature, we find different different types of things for example plants, mountains, rivers, oceans, islands, sun, moon, soil, water, minerals etc… All these things satisfy our needs in their respective ways.