
How did France and Spain take over Morocco?

How did France and Spain take over Morocco?

Crisis (March 30, 1912-August 18, 1955): France established a protectorate over Morocco as a result of the signing of the Treaty of Fez on March 30, 1912. Moroccan soldiers mutinied against French commanders in Fez beginning on April 17, 1912. The Moroccan nationalist movement was initiated in November 1925.

Why did the French and Spanish take over Morocco?

Motivation. Like most imperializing countries, the Spanish and French wanted to colonize Morocco because they wanted power. Feelings of nationalism made people proud of all that their country had achieved. France had already taken control of Algeria, which borders Morocco, and wanted to take over Morocco as well.

When did France give up Morocco?

The French conquest of Morocco began in 1907 and continued until 1934. By the Treaty of Fez of 1912, France gained a protectorate over Morocco and spent the next two decades taking control of the country….French conquest of Morocco.

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Date 1907–1934
Location North Africa
Result French victory

Was Morocco a French or Spanish colony?

1912 – Morocco becomes a French protectorate under the Treaty of Fez, administered by a French Resident-General. Spain continues to operate its coastal protectorate.

Who colonized Morocco first?

The recorded history of Morocco begins with the Phoenician colonization of the Moroccan coast between the 8th and 6th centuries BCE, although the area was inhabited by indigenous Berbers for some two thousand years before that.

How was Morocco treated under France?

France officially established a protectorate over Morocco with the Treaty of Fez, ending what remained of the country’s de facto independence. From a strictly legal point of view, the treaty did not deprive Morocco of its status as a sovereign state. The Sultan reigned but did not rule.

How did France affect Morocco?

The laws of Morocco were influenced by the French government. Moroccan laws are written based off of French laws and laws that apply to the Islamic religion (Morocco, CIA). All in all, French and Spanish colonization has left a very big impact on Morocco.

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Who owned Morocco?

Morocco was made a French protectorate in 1912 but regained independence in 1956. Today it is the only monarchy in North Africa.