
How did Richard Best inhale caustic soda?

How did Richard Best inhale caustic soda?

The material used in the rebreather to remove exhaled carbon dioxide was sodium hydroxide. If the device containing this material were abnormally heated, it could release caustic soda fumes through the pilot’s oxygen mask; consequently Best had inhaled caustic fumes.

What is caustic soda used for in ww2?

So I went and saw the movie Midway last night and read some of the information on Best at the battle. In everything that happened that day, Best inhaled some caustic soda (NaOH) from an oxygen tank that then activated some latent tuberculosis, thus ending his flight career.

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How does oxygen become caustic soda?

While flying the first mission during the Battle of Midway, a faulty oxygen canister had created gases that turned to caustic soda. He had breathed in the soda to clear it out. And the caustic soda, he was told, had activated latent tuberculosis.

What happens if you inhale caustic?

Breathing in caustic products may cause irritation of the nose, throat, airways, and stomach. Severe exposures may even result in burns to the airways. Symptoms of inhaling caustics may include: Discomfort in the nose and/or throat.

How is caustic soda made?

Caustic soda (usually as NaOH) is produced as a liquid. These are produced by passing an electrical current through brine (common salt dissolved in water). This is called electrolysis, a process which has been known for over 120 years.

Did any pilots survive Midway?

All 248 carrier aircraft were lost, most going down with their ships, along with several cruiser- and battleship-launched float planes. However, most Japanese pilots were rescued; only 36 were lost on the carriers and 74 in the air, mostly from Hiryu.

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Was Bruno from Midway real?

Yes, the sailor portrayed by heartthrob Nick Jonas in the new Hollywood film “Midway” really existed. And yes, Bruno Gaido was a hero, almost single-handedly saving his ship by shooting down a Japanese bomber before it could crash into the USS Enterprise.

What happens if you touch sodium?

It can hurt you if it touches your skin, if you drink it or if you breathe it. Eating or drinking sodium hydroxide can cause severe burns and immediate vomiting, nausea, diarrhea or chest and stomach pain, as well as swallowing difficulties.

Why did my rebreather give me a caustic smell?

The material used in the rebreather was usually sodium hydroxide, or some other material which absorbed carbon dioxide. If the device containing this material (usually a pad covered with the substance) was abnormally heated or came into contact with water, it could release caustic fumes through the mask.

Why did Richard Best cough up blood?

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James D’Angelo states the following, drawing from Best’s military medical records: Just after Richard Best landed on Enterprise, he began to cough up blood. While flying on his mission in the morning, a faulty oxygen bottle expelled caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) into his lungs.

What is caustic soda used for in aviation?

I believe caustic soda was used to clean impurities out of the lines which were used when the oxygen tank was hooked to the pilots mask. Caustic soda was once used commercially to clean pipes and tubing.

What was the problem with the oxygen canister on Midway?

While flying the first mission during the Battle of Midway, a faulty oxygen canister had created gases that turned to caustic soda. He had breathed in the soda to clear it out. And the caustic soda, he was told, had activated latent tuberculosis.