
How did Ron know to rescue Harry in the Chamber of Secrets?

How did Ron know to rescue Harry in the Chamber of Secrets?

Ron explains that he was worried when Harry failed to answer his letters and so came to rescue him from the Dursleys. The four boys work together to yank the bars off Harry’s window. This information leads Harry to believe that Dobby must live with Draco Malfoy, Harry’s least favorite person at Hogwarts.

How did the Weasleys rescue Harry?

Ron, Fred, and George wake Harry up in the middle of the night to take him to the Burrow. They use Mr. Weasley’s flying car to pull the bars off the window, and then they help Harry get his belongings and load them into the car. But Harry holds onto the car and climb in, narrowly escaping.

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How did the Weasley brothers rescue Harry from 4 Privet Drive?

Flight to The Burrow (1992) When they arrived at 4 Privet Drive, the Weasley boys pulled the car up to Harry’s window, alerting him to their presence, after which they proceeded to pull off the bars on Harry’s window and help him retrieve his things.

How did Ginny open the Chamber of Secrets?

Ginny Weasley opened the Chamber under Tom Riddle’s control; however, she only could open it because of Riddle’s ability to speak Parseltongue. She was unable to speak Parseltongue afterwards, but Riddle probably told her what to say.

What happened right after Ron first saw Mr Weasley’s car?

what happened right after ron first saw mr. weasley’s car in the forest? spiders carried him, Harry and Fang to Aragog.

How did Ron know where to find Harry and Hermione?

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Ron explains that the Deluminator creates a blue light which, after entering his chest near his heart, allows him to disapparate to where his love interest (Hermione) and his best friend (Harry) are located.

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Why did Harry have to squeeze through the hole Ron made?

‘He’s Dumbledore’s,’ said Harry, squeezing through himself. The fact that Harry’s had to “squeeze” through indicates that the hole Ron made was not very large; it barely accommodated twelve-year-old Harry, described as scrawny and very underweight.

What happened to the tunnel to the Chamber of Secrets?

So, in Chamber of Secrets the tunnel to the Chamber is collapsed, and the way back in from the Girl’s Lavatory is blocked by what Harry refers to as “a solid wall of broken rock.” However, later in the book Harry returns that way with Ginny, and we learn that Ron has not been idle (emphasis mine):

How did Harry Potter get into the Chamber of Secrets?

Harry finds a snake carved on the tap and then opens the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets by speaking Parseltongue to it. Harry, Ron and Lockhart slide down a large pipe and find themselves in maze-like tunnels far under the school.

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How does Harry feel at home at the Weasley’s house?

For the first time in the book, Harry feels at home. The Weasley children and parents enjoy Harry’s company, treating him as a friend and equal-they do not fawn over him as Dobby does, nor do they regard him distrustfully the way the Dursleys do. We see, once at The Burrow, the normalcy of the wizard world.