
How did the British react to the Quit India Movement?

How did the British react to the Quit India Movement?

The immediate reaction of British Government to Quit India Movement was to deny them of immediate independence. Although later on, the British realized that they can not possibly govern India in the long run due to the lag of resources they faced in world war II.

Who is the Viceroy during Quit India Movement?

Lord Linlithgow
Lord Linlithgow (1936 – 1944) was the viceroy of India during Quit India Movement in 1942.

What were the causes of Quit India Movement?

The immediate cause for the movement was the collapse of Cripps Mission. The British assumption of unconditional support from India to British in World War II was not taken well by the Indian National Congress. The anti-British sentiments and demand for full-independence had gained popularity among indian masses.

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What was the government response to the Quit India Movement Class 8?

Response to Quit India Movement. The British government responded to the call of Gandhi by arresting all major Congress leaders the very next day. Gandhi, Nehru, Patel, etc. were all arrested.

Why did Quit India Movement fail?

The Quit India campaign was effectively crushed. The British refused to grant immediate independence, saying it could happen only after the war had ended. In terms of immediate objectives, Quit India failed because of heavy-handed suppression, weak coordination and the lack of a clear-cut program of action.

Why did Quit India Movement fail Upsc?

Mahatma Gandhi refused to condemn the violence of the masses and held the government responsible for this violence. The Quit India movement failed because of heavy-handed suppression by Government, weak coordination, lack of leadership and a clear-cut programme of action.

Was Quit India movement a mistake?

What was the aim of Quit India movement?

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The main aim of the movement was India’s freedom and it was accompanied by a mass protest on non-violent lines, in which Gandhi called for an orderly British withdrawal from India. With his passionate speeches, Gandhi asked people to participate in the movement who desired the freedom of the country.

Why was Quit India Movement fail?

What are the reasons of failure of Quit India Movement?

Reasons for the failure of Quit India movement:

  • Want of well – organised planning:
  • Want of co – operation of the Indian bureaucracy and officials:
  • Want of power and resources as compared to the preparedness of the British government:
  • Suppressive policy of the government:

What are the main causes of Quit India movement Class 10?

Causes of the Quit India Movement

  • After the failure of the Cripps Mission, the Congress felt that the Communal problem in India would be solved only if the British were forced to quit India.
  • The Congress wanted the immediate withdrawal of the Britishers to save India from the Japanese invasion.