
How difficult is classical mechanics?

How difficult is classical mechanics?

Classical mechanics is on a whole new level. Everything about it is hard and it is not easy to visualize unlike Newtonian mechanics. It’s one of the courses where you actually learn new math to understand the material. It’s honestly the hardest, greatest and the most dearest course I have ever taken.

Are classical mechanics interesting?

Classical mechanics provides extremely accurate results when studying large objects that are not extremely massive and speeds not approaching the speed of light. To describe velocities that are not small compared to the speed of light, special relativity is needed.

How is it to study physics at Princeton?

Princeton has an excellent faculty-student ratio in physics: it’s only slightly less than one-to-one! This has a particularly positive effect on junior and senior independent work. The department has an excellent record of involving interested students in research, both during the academic year and through summer jobs.

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Did Einstein teach at Princeton?

Although Albert Einstein was never on the faculty at Princeton, he occupied an office in the University’s mathematics building in the 1930s while waiting for construction of the Institute for Advanced Study, and his ideas have inspired generations of physicists and mathematicians at Princeton and around the world.

What can be studied using classical physics?

Classical physics involves classical mechanics (the study of the movement of fluids and particles), thermodynamics (the study of temperature and heat transfer), and electromagnetism (the study of electricity, magnets, and electromagnetic waves).

Can I skip classical mechanics?

This very much depends on what you want to do in the area of quantum theory. If you want to solve specific mathematical problems and to have only a very rough conception of why you are doing what you are doing, then you can in principle omit classical mechanics.