
How do Google protocol buffers work?

How do Google protocol buffers work?

Protocol buffers are a method of serializing data that can be transmitted over wire or be stored in files. The other formats like JSON and XML are also used for serializing data. Since then, it’s widely been used internally at Google and has been the default data format for the gRPC framework.

What is Google Protobuf any?

`Any` contains an arbitrary serialized protocol buffer message along with a URL that describes the type of the serialized message. Protobuf library provides support to pack/unpack Any values in the form of utility functions or additional generated methods of the Any type.

What is protocol buffer in TensorFlow?

TensorFlow protocol buffer. Since protocol buffers use a structured format when storing data, they can be represented with Python classes. In TensorFlow, the tf. train. Example class represents the protocol buffer used to store data for the input pipeline.

Does Protobuf support map?

According to Google protobuf doc, proto 2 does support map type . As I quote, Maps cannot be repeated, optional, or required.

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What is protocol buffers Java?

Protocol Buffers is a language and platform neutral mechanism for serialization and deserialization of structured data, which is proclaimed by Google, its creator, to be much faster, smaller and simpler than other types of payloads, such as XML and JSON.

Does Protobuf support inheritance?

Protobuf doesn’t support inheritance. Having a common header and using composition is the best solution. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups “Protocol Buffers” group.

What is encapsulate what varies?

Think of the encapsulate what varies principle as kind of the master principle. It’s all about letting one part of the system vary independently of another part, something almost all design patterns do in some way.

What are the principal advantages of composition compared to inheritance?

Composition is more flexible than inheritance. You can change implementation of class at run-time by changing included object, thus changing behavior of it, but you can’t do this with inheritance, you can’t change behavior of base class at run-time.