
How do I add weak contributions to Comsol?

How do I add weak contributions to Comsol?

Then, in the Model Builder, right-click the main interface node and, depending on the geometric entity level, select More>Weak Contribution at the domain or boundary level, Edges>Weak Contribution, Points>Weak Contribution, or Global>Weak Contribution.

What is weak contribution Comsol?

Weak contributions are, in fact, what the software internally uses to apply the built-in domain and boundary conditions. They provide a flexible and physics-independent way to extend the applicability of the COMSOL Multiphysics® software.

What is PDE in Comsol?

The Laws of Physics, Mathematical Models, and PDEs Differential equations describe the change of a system rather than its state over space and time. More specifically, partial differential equations (PDEs) describe such changes in more than one independent variable.

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What is weak constraint Comsol?

The weak constraint means simply that it is added directly to the weak form (sometimes there is no strong form to express your constraint, or simply it is more practical to write the weak expression directly). The usual way to add such a constraint still solving the problem consists of adding a Lagrange multiplier.

What is the weak form of an equation?

Weak form – an integral expression such as a functional which implicitly contains a differential equations is called a weak form. The strong form states conditions that must be met at every material point, whereas weak form states conditions that must be met only in an average sense.

How do I edit equations in Comsol?

You should be able to edit the equation when clicking on the “Equation View” branch of the related physics node. As an alternative, you may input 0, 1 or a function in the value field of that variable which you want to simplify/modify.

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How do you find the equation in Comsol?

There are two ways to see these: Enable the Equation View toggle in the Show More Options Dialog within the Model Builder window. Once enabled, there will be an Equation View subsection underneath each physics feature that contains a list of all internally defined variables.

What is weak form PDE?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Weak formulations are important tools for the analysis of mathematical equations that permit the transfer of concepts of linear algebra to solve problems in other fields such as partial differential equations.

How do you modify an equation?

Rearranging equations

  1. For example,
  2. To rearrange the equation so that it is written as take each term and move to the other side of the equal sign using the opposite operation until you only have.
  3. e.g. Rearrange to make the subject of the equation.
  4. Take to the other side of the equal sign by adding to both sides.
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How define equation in Comsol?