
How do I attend IISER SCB Counselling?

How do I attend IISER SCB Counselling?

Documents required at the time of IISER counselling 2021

  1. Admit card of JEE Advanced/ KVPY/SCB.
  2. Passing certificate and marksheet of class 10th.
  3. Passing certificate and marksheet of class 12th.
  4. Original and photocopy of the counselling letter.
  5. Scorecard of JEE Advanced, KVPY, and IISER.

What is IISER SCB test?

IISER 2021 Seventh Allotment has been released for SCB channel on 10th December 2021. Admission is done through three channels SCB, KVPY, and on the basis of JEE Advanced exam. It is a national level test which is organized by the Indian Institutes of Science Education & research (IISER).

What is the SCB cutoff for IISERs?

Generally the cutoff is top 1\% of the respective board means the cutoff for each board depends on the percentage gain by the last students The SCB stands for STATE CENTRAL BOARD. It comprises the name of all the state and central board in India, and it is one of the three channels for getting admission to the BS_MS Dual Degree Course at IISERs.

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How many seats are there in the SCB stream in IISER?

There will be limited seats approximately 500–600 seats for the students who want to get admission in IISER through SCB Stream. The APTITUDE test is comparatively easier than the KVPY and JEE Advanced Exams ( other two streams for getting admission into IISER).

Is IISER Bhopal conducting counselling for post-admit floting?

UPDATE: IISER Bhopal is officially conducting counslling tomorrow at 4:30 pm for post- admission floting of desirous admitted candidates – both within three streams oh IISER B and inter-IISERs. I am sure that other IISERs are also conducting simimar exercise.

Which is the easiest channel to get admission in IISER?

IISER SCB (IAT) is considered as easiest channel to get admission in IISER (though, I don’t think so for many reasons which will be stated in another answer). The exam contains biology for one-fourth of it’s weightage and thus it seems crucial to many students.