
How do I copy a table from one schema to another schema in PostgreSQL?

How do I copy a table from one schema to another schema in PostgreSQL?

“postgres copy table from one schema to another” Code Answer

  1. create table schema2. the_table (like schema1. the_table including all);
  2. insert into schema2. the_table.
  3. select *
  4. from schema1. the_table;

How do I copy a table from one database to another?

Right-click on the database name, then select “Tasks” > “Export data…” from the object explorer. The SQL Server Import/Export wizard opens; click on “Next”. Provide authentication and select the source from which you want to copy the data; click “Next”. Specify where to copy the data to; click on “Next”.

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How do I copy a column from one table to another in PostgreSQL?


  1. To copy create a pre-structured table: CREATE TABLE [Table to copy To] AS [Table to copy From] WITH NO DATA;
  2. Copy into pre-existing table: INSERT INTO [Table to copy To] SELECT [Columns to Copy] FROM [Table to copy From] WHERE [Optional Condition];
  3. Will create independent copy in the new table.

What is the best way to transfer the data in a PostgreSQL?

If you really have two distinct PostgreSQL databases, the common way of transferring data from one to another would be to export your tables (with pg_dump -t ) to a file, and import them into the other database (with psql ).

How do I copy a Postgres database?

To create a copy of a database, run the following command in psql:

  1. CREATE DATABASE [Database to create] WITH TEMPLATE [Database to copy] OWNER [Your username];
  2. CREATE DATABASE [Database to create] WITH TEMPLATE [Database to copy] OWNER [Your username];
  3. SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pg_stat_activity.
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Where is pg_dump file stored?

pg_dump, pg_dump_all, pg_restore are all located in the bin folder of the PostgreSQL install and PgAdmin III install.

How do I copy a table from one schema to another schema?

3 Answers. In SQL Management studio right click the database that has the source table, select Tasks -> Export data. You will be able to set source and destination server and schema, select the tables you wish to copy and you can have the destination schema create the tables that will be exported.

How do I move a table from one schema to another?

you can use ALTER SCHEMA command to move tables between schemas. As you can see from the output the table is currently in dbo schema. Now to move this table to another schema using ALTER SCHEMA command, first we need to create the schema if it does not exist already. After that we can move table to new schema.