
How do I disable one sim on a dual sim phone?

How do I disable one sim on a dual sim phone?

Go to settings →Sim card →select the Sim slot that needs to be turn off. Yes…. Just go to setting and select dual sim setting aur sim management and switch off the sim you want to off…

How do I turn off my second sim?

You have to go in settings. Then, find out simcard manager. In it you will get two simcards on display, from them choose the sim which you want to turn off. As soon as you touch that preferred sim there will be an option of on and off.

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Can I use only 1 sim in a dual sim phone?

Originally Answered: Can I use one sim card on a dual sim card phone? Yes. It only allows for having two SIM cards, it doesn’t require it.

Do you have to use both sims in a dual sim phone?

A Dual SIM Passive phone can use two different SIM cards, but only one of them can be active at any time. That means that when one SIM card works, the other is unreachable. To use the second SIM card, you need to activate it manually, and the first SIM deactivates when you do that.

What is the point of a Dual SIM phone?

Dual SIM phones allow users to keep separate contact lists on each SIM, and allow easier roaming by being able to access a foreign network while keeping the existing local card. Vendors of foreign SIMs for travel often promote dual-SIM operation, with a home country and local SIM in the same handset.

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What happens when you turn off one SIM on a dual SIM?

Answer Wiki. In a dual sim phone you cannot switch off one sim alone. When you switch off the phone both the Sims are affected. In mobile data, you can activate either of the sim for data purpose. If both Sims are 4G VoLTE and you change mobile data, only one sim works and the other shuts off.

How can I use one SIM card on a dual SIM phone?

You can either install your choice of SIM card in SIM1 slot or while you have both SIM1 and SIM2 installed on the phone just disable the SIM1 or SIM2 and leave the one you intend to use active using internal mobile network settings. Originally Answered: Can I use one sim card on a dual sim card phone?

How do I turn off a SIM card on iPhone?

Go to setting: Settings -> Cellular -> In the “CELLUAR PLANS” section you will see both sim cards (plans), with “On” or “Off” by each. Click into the plan you want to turn off. You’ll see “Turn Off This Line” and you can switch it off here. This worked for me on an iPhone XS.

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What happens to the Sims when you turn off the phone?

When you switch off the phone both the Sims are affected. In mobile data, you can activate either of the sim for data purpose. If both Sims are 4G VoLTE and you change mobile data, only one sim works and the other shuts off. In 2G sim, even if you change mobile data 2G sim works for voice calls.