
How do I get a copy of my Roe I already issued?

How do I get a copy of my Roe I already issued?

To request a copy of an already issued ROE, send us the following information by mail or fax:

  1. your business name, phone number and address (and mailing address, if different)
  2. your 15-character PAN issued by CRA.
  3. name(s) and Social Insurance Number(s) of employee(s) for whom ROE(s) is/are requested.

How do I check my Roe status?

Recover access to your ROE Web account

  1. Enter your User Reference Number and click Continue.
  2. Answer your three security questions and click Continue.
  3. On the confirmation page, click Continue to start using your new user name and password to access your ROE Web account.

How long does it take for Roe to show on Service Canada?

ROEs are generally issued 5 calendar days after your final pay period has been processed. The electronic ROE goes directly into the EI system, so a paper copy is not needed and will not be provided to you. Your electronic ROE will be available in your My Service Canada Account.

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How long does an employer have to issue an ROE Ontario?

five calendar days
If you issue ROE s on paper, you must issue an ROE within five calendar days of: the first day of an interruption of earnings; or. the day the employer becomes aware of an interruption of earnings.

Why is my roe not showing up on Service Canada?

You will need a My Service Canada Account to view your ROE electronically. If 2 weeks go by and your employer has still not prepared your ROE, you should ask your employer again. If you are unable to get your ROE, go to your nearest Service Canada Office or call them at 1-800-206-7218 or mail in this form.

How long does it take for your ROE to be submitted?

Section 14(2) of the Regulations state that an employer must issue the ROE within 5 days right after the employee takes his or her approved leave of absence from employment.

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How long does it take to receive an ROE?

Employers must issue the ROE within five days after the employee’s last day of work, regardless of the reason why the employee left (i.e. termination, resignation, etc.).

Why have I not received my roe from employer?

If you are unable to get your ROE, go to your nearest Service Canada Office or call them at 1-800-206-7218 or mail in this form. A Service Canada agent will tell you how to get your ROE or what else they will need to complete your application.