
How do I get a seat in NIN?

How do I get a seat in NIN?

The minimum eligibility is to pass B. Sc degree in (Home science /Food and Nutrition) or B. Sc in life science or M.B.B.S or B.A.M.S with minimum 55 percent of marks are eligible to get admission. Students need to appear an entrance examination to get admission in this course.

How many seats are there in NIN?

Applications received after the last date and time will not be accepted, NIN is not responsible for the postal delay or any loss in transit. Number of seats: 20 students from India will be admitted to the course as per the GOI norms.

What does the National Institute of Nutrition Survey indicate?

Achievements. Assessed dietary intake of individuals, house holds and nutritional profiles of different communities through periodic surveys of NNMB in 10 states. Suggested strategies to identify high risk pregnancies in rural areas of India. These were included in the National Reproductive and Child Health Program.

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In which city is the National Institute of Nutrition located in India?

The long journey of the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) at Hyderabad, India, from a humble one-room laboratory at Coonoor to the picturesque sprawling campus in the historic city of Hyderabad is dotted with several interesting landscapes.

What are the entrance exams in India?

Kinds of Entrance Examinations in India

  • Engineering Entrance Examinations in India.
  • All India Engineering/Pharmacy/Architecture Entrance Examination (AIEEE)
  • Joint Entrance Examination (JEE)
  • Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)
  • National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA)

Who is the father of nutrition in India?

Dr Coluthur Gopalan
Dr Coluthur Gopalan, widely considered as the father of nutrition research in India, is no more.

What is the role of NIN?

To continuously monitor diet and nutrition situation of the country. To evolve effective methods of management and prevention of nutritional problems. To conduct operational research connected with planning and implementation of national nutrition programmes.