
How do I get my article on TechCrunch?

How do I get my article on TechCrunch?

How I Pitched @TechCrunch And 13 Ways To Get Press When You Launch Your Startup

  1. Tell a Story.
  2. Be Prepared Technically.
  3. Segment Your List.
  4. Give A Taste Of The Future.
  5. Be Brief.
  6. Give All Links To Detailed Resources.
  7. Founders > PR Firm.
  8. Give direct Contact info and be quick.

Does TechCrunch accept contributed content?

Going forward, the main way for any contributor to publish on TechCrunch will be to also publish on Extra Crunch. To submit a guest post or query, or if you have questions, email [email protected]. We’re still happy to run one-off columns on Extra Crunch if they are compelling to startup founders.

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How much is extra crunch?

“TechCrunch launches “Extra Crunch,” a membership program for $15/month or $150/year.” Nieman Journalism Lab.

How do I get my startup published?

A guide to getting your startup featured in the news

  1. Write press releases or something more than a short email.
  2. Build your brand.
  3. Stay up to date on what’s making the news.
  4. Find your niche’s community.
  5. Publish, publish, publish eventually equals publicity.
  6. Don’t be shy to reach out.

How do I get an article written about my business?

How to get media coverage

  1. Submit a press release. This is the fastest, and some may argue easiest, way to get media exposure for your brand.
  2. Reach out to individual journalists.
  3. ‘Newsjack’ existing stories.
  4. Get involved in local events.
  5. Stand out on social media through a strong content marketing campaign.

Who owns TechCrunch com?

AOLSeptember 28, 2010

How much does it cost to start a small business?

Approximate cost: $2000-$20,000 (freelancers and small firms), $30,000-$200,000 (large firms). Many startups find themselves at a stage where they’re well-funded but have a name that no longer fits – what feels right when your company is a month old and bootstrapped with your savings account may not feel the same two years later.

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How much does it cost to advertise on articlehub?

There’s a distinct financial hierarchy at play in the ArticleHub price list. A brand mention in The New York Timescosts $5,000. TechCrunchcosts $4,500, Business Insidercosts $3,000, and Forbescosts $1,950. A mention in the Huffington Postcosts $1,700, and brand mentions in lesser-known blogs like CafeMomcost as little as $500.

How much does it cost to build a website from scratch?

Approximate cost: $100-$3000. As a UX designer and front-end developer, I often recommend that young companies not spend their limited dollars on building a website from scratch – pre-built, templated websites like Squarespace can get you up and running for minimal cost, and you can buy domain names from a registrar like Namecheap.

How much does it cost to build a brand?

Approximate cost: $5000-$15,000 (freelancers and small firms), $15,000-$75,000 (large firms). Website. This is the branding piece with the greatest variability in cost, with projects getting more expensive as they require more user research, prototyping, content creation, and engineering work.