
How do I get my artwork Recognised?

How do I get my artwork Recognised?

  1. Create An Irresistible Online Presence With Your Website.
  2. Online Art Market Places And Online Art Galleries.
  3. Skyrocket Your Mailing List.
  4. Use Your Blog To Build A Buzz Around Your Art.
  5. Rock Social Media And Get Your Work Noticed Around The Globe.
  6. Get Your Followers To Promote You.
  7. Cross-Promote With Other Artists.

How do I sell my art to brands?

How To Sell Your Art to Hotels & Businesses: 4 Tips from Indiewalls’ Senior Art Curator

  1. Pinpoint the best clients for YOUR artwork. Interior designers often turn to social media to plug into current art trends and up-and-coming styles.
  2. Highlight your art and your ideas, not your CV.
  3. Stay flexible.
  4. Always follow up.

How do I get art clients?

9-Step Guide to Marketing Your Art Without Being Salesy

  1. As a creative, you are constantly in pursuit of finding your authentic and real voice.
  2. Know your target audience.
  3. Learn where your target audience gathers.
  4. Write to one person.
  5. Use stories to engage.
  6. Write persuasively.
  7. Focus on THEM.
  8. Talk about the benefits.
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How can I sell my art without a gallery?

We asked Cory to share his expertise on how you can successfully sell your art without a gallery.

  2. Have a Professional Website.
  3. Keep Your Contacts Organized.
  5. Sell Directly to Art Collectors.
  6. Leverage Art Dealers and Interior Designers.
  7. License Your Art.

How can I get my art noticed?

Here 9 ways to get your art noticed: Try starting local! If your town has a regular Farmers Market, get in contact with the people who run it to see if they need someone to make the posters. If there are local street or music festivals going on, talk to the organizers about making posters advertising these events.

How can I get buyers to find my art online?

“How can I get buyers to find my art online?” Quick announcement – EmptyEasel has created a quicker, easier way for artists to have their own art website. Click here to learn more and get a simple art website of your own! You see, unlike the sign-up process, the whole art selling thing is definitely NOT a piece of cake.

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Where can I post photos of my artworks for sale?

Flickr is an image sharing website where you can upload photos of your artworks. It has been around for some time so you may find it difficult to get any exposure from this platform. 12. Saatchi Art You can set up a free account on Saatchi Art and post your artworks. If you upload high quality photos, you can even sell prints.

How do you sell art online without commission?

Artists can create an online gallery of their work, determine the price of their art and keep all the proceeds without commission taken out. Singulart is a curated online art gallery that provides digital sales tools for their artists and handles all payment, insurance, shipping, and delivery.