
How do I get my zip code level data from the census?

How do I get my zip code level data from the census?

Click the “ZIP Code Tabulation Area” box using the geography filters on This provides data through Summary Level 860 from the decennial census and American Community Survey.

What is the most densely populated ZIP code in the US?

The Most Populated Zip Codes in America

Rank ZIP code Pop. density (per sq. mile)
1 77449 3,161
2 11368 41,767
3 60629 16,747
4 79936 4,155

Do census blocks cross ZIP codes?

A unique set of census blocks, and hence demographics, can be associated with each census tract. There is no good way to associate census blocks with ZIP codes.

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Is ZCTA same as zip code?

In most instances the ZCTA code is the same as the ZIP Code for an area. In creating ZCTAs, the Census Bureau took the most frequently occurring ZIP Code in an area for the ZCTA code. Some addresses will end up with a ZCTA code different from their ZIP Code.

What is a Geo zip?

Data in the FAIR Health benchmark modules are organized by “geozip,” a geographic area generally defined by the first three digits of a zip code or in some cases, groupings of 3-digit zip codes.

How do they determine zip codes?

ZIP Codes are numbered with the first digit representing a certain group of U.S. states, the second and third digits together representing a region in that group (or perhaps a large city) and the fourth and fifth digits representing a group of delivery addresses within that region.

Where is the largest ZIP Code in the United States?

The highest ZIP Code number is 99950 in Ketchikan, AK.

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What zip code is 42223?

Fort Campbell

How many zip codes does the US have in 2020?

There are 41,692 ZIP Codes in the country. ZIP Codes range from 00501, belonging to the Internal Revenue Service in Holtsville, NY, to 99950 in Ketchikan, AK.