
How do I know what size PEX pipe to use?

How do I know what size PEX pipe to use?

In general, the greater the distance from the manifold to the fixture, the wider the PEX tubing should be. A 3/8-inch line is sufficient for lengths up to 250 feet; 1/2-inch line will deliver adequate water pressure up to 350 feet; and 3/4-inch tubing is necessary to run a 500-foot line.

What is the difference between PEX and PE RT tubing?

One key difference between PE-RT and PEX, is that PE-RT is a thermoplastic, whereas PEX is a thermoset polymer. A thermoplastic can be heated and melted, whereas a thermoset polymer cannot. This allows PE-RT to be joined to compatible polyethylene fittings using socket fusion.

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Is there a difference between hot and cold PEX tubing?

Although there are three types of PEX (see Label Lingo, below), the different colors don’t connote the distinctions; they simply make it easy for the installer to identify which lines carry hot water and which carry cold. Red PEX pipe carries hot water. Blue PEX pipe carries cold water.

Is polyethylene tubing the same as PEX?

There are two common types of plastic piping which are known as PB (Polybutylene) and PEX (Cross-linked Polyethylene). The main difference between PB and PEX is in how the material is created. So if you will be pumping water, or the pipes will be exposed to the cold, PEX is a better option than PB.

Is PE RT better than PEX?

Pexflow PEX-A surpasses the 720 hrs. PERT is only required to withstand 48 hrs and cannot meet the same temperature / pressure ratings as PEX. PEX is required to withstand 100 hrs before failure. Pexflow PEX-A is tested to withstand more than 1,000 hrs.

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Is 1 2 PEX enough for shower?

As long as the supply lines for the shower tie into a 3/4″ line, 1/2″ will be fine. I use a Delta shower faucet that already has pex adapters made into the valve body, no threading or sweating, just crimp and you’re done.

How far apart should PEX hangers be?

Long runs of PEX pipe have to be supported with proper hangers. It is generally recommended to fasten the tubing at every 32 inches when running it alongside a joist and at least every 6 feet if the tubing is supported by beams and running across them.