
How do I make the top row in Excel stay when sorting?

How do I make the top row in Excel stay when sorting?

To freeze rows:

  1. Select the row below the row(s) you want to freeze. In our example, we want to freeze rows 1 and 2, so we’ll select row 3.
  2. Click the View tab on the Ribbon.
  3. Select the Freeze Panes command, then choose Freeze Panes from the drop-down menu.
  4. The rows will be frozen in place, as indicated by the gray line.

Why is Excel not sorting the top row?

Explaination: XL is changing your range because it automatically assumed that the top cell would be your header. If you want to override this, when you go to Data – Sort, choose “No header”.

How do you sort in Excel without sorting the header?

Select the column range you will sort without the first row, and then click the Enterprise > Advanced Sort. In the Advance Sort dialog, check the option of My data has headers, then specify the column you will sort, sort criteria, and sort order, at last click the OK button.

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How do I arrange excel in alphabetical order?

To alphabetize in Excel using Sort, select the data, go to the Data Ribbon, click Sort, then select the column you want to alphabetize by. Select the data you want to alphabetize with your cursor. You can select just one column, or multiple columns if you want to include other information.

How do you sort alphabetically in Excel and keep rows together?

In the Sort Warning window, select Expand the selection, and click Sort. Along with Column G, the rest of the columns will also be sorted, so all rows are kept together. This technique works for any sort, including sorting by date or sorting alphabetically.

How do you alphabetize and keep rows together in Excel?

How do I sort column headers in Excel alphabetically?

Filter and alphabetize in Excel

  1. Select one or several column headers.
  2. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Sort and Filter > Filter.
  3. Small drop-down arrows will appear in each of the column headers. Click the drop-down arrow for the column you want to put in alphabetical order, and select Sort A to Z:
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How do I exclude a header in Excel?

Select the header or the first row of your list and press Shift + Ctrl + ↓(the drop down button), then the list has been selected except the first row.

How do I sort alphabetically in Excel without mixing data?

Select a cell or range of cells in the column which needs to be sorted. Click on the Data tab available in Menu Bar, and perform a quick sort by choosing any one of the options under the Sort & Filter group, depending upon whether you want to sort in ascending or descending order.

How do I put Excel in alphabetical order?

How to automatically make copies of rows in Excel?

Type the data into the a worksheet cell and Enter.

  • Click in the cell with the data and,keeping the left mouse button pressed,drag to select the rest of the cells in the row or column that you would
  • Release the mouse button.
  • Press Ctrl+D (the Ctrl key is held while the D key is pressed) and the cells are filled.
  • How do you select entire row in Excel?

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    Select any cell which you want to select. Press and hold the shift key on your keyboard. Press the space key. Release the shift key and space key and the entire row will be selected. If you wish to select more than 1 row, don’t release the shift key; use the arrow key to select more than 1 row.

    How can I sort a row in an Excel spreadsheet?

    Excel Sort Keeps Rows Select all the data range and then click Kutools Plust > Sort > Advanced Sort . In the Advanced Sort dialog, select the column you want to sort, and then select the criterion you want to sort on, then select the sorting Click Ok . Now the selected column data has been sorted with intact rows kept. If you are interested in Kutools for Excel’s Advanced Sort See More….

    How do you put names in alphabetical order in Excel?

    Select the order from the “Order” drop-down box. The “A to Z” option puts the names in ascending order, while the “Z to A” option puts them in descending order. Click “OK” to sort the names and put them in alphabetical order.