
How do I open Outlook in selenium WebDriver?

How do I open Outlook in selenium WebDriver?

You can’t open outlook application as selenium supports only web applications….Use below code to access your GMail:

  1. import java. io.
  2. import java. util.
  3. import java. util.
  4. import java. util.
  5. import java. util.
  6. import javax. mail.
  7. import javax.
  8. import javax.

How do you select you drivers to launch a URL in selenium?

System. setProperty(“webdriver. chrome. driver”,”D:\\ChromeDriver\\chromedriver.exe”);…The respective command to load a new web page can be written as:

  1. driver. get(URL);
  2. // Or can be written as.
  3. String URL = “URL”;
  4. driver. get(URL);

How do you automate emails in selenium?

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Send Mail in Java using SMTP with SSL authentication

  1. Download java mail jar file which contains the library to send the email.
  2. Add jar into your project and if you are working with maven project then you can use dependency.
  3. Get the session object – . javax. mail. Session class provides object of session, Session.

Can selenium automate desktop applications?

Naturally, people frequently ask the question “can Selenium be used to automate desktop applications?” The simple answer is no. Selenium is designed to automate web applications, not desktop applications.

How do I email automated results in selenium?

Step by Step process to Send report through email in Selenium Webdriver

  1. Download java mail jar file which contains the library to send the email.
  2. Add jar into your project and if you are working with maven project then you can use dependency.
  3. Be ready with the file which you want to send.

How do I email results in selenium?

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5 Answers. Go to Your Project > Configure > Post-build Actions > Editable Email Notification . There is a box named Pre-send Script.

Which method is used to fetch the driver in selenium?

#1) get() Methods The command is used to retrieve the title of the webpage the user is currently working on. on the web pages. The command requires a single string parameter that refers to an attribute whose value we aspire to know and returns a string value as a result. driver.

How do I open a website using selenium?

Login and navigate a website automatically with Selenium

  1. Dependencies. from selenium import webdriver driver = webdriver.Chrome()
  2. Target the first page.
  3. Complete the username and password fields.
  4. Click the login button.
  5. Click a link on the page based on the link text.

How do I run an application using Selenium?

Basic Steps in a Selenium WebDriver Script

  1. Create a WebDriver instance.
  2. Navigate to a webpage.
  3. Locate a web element on the webpage via locators in selenium.
  4. Perform one or more user actions on the element.
  5. Preload the expected output/browser response to the action.
  6. Run test.
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Can Selenium be used for .NET applications?

We can use Selenium for . NET applications. We should have Visual Studio 2019 installed in the system along with Selenium webdriver and any browser like Firefox, Chrome, and so on. Then we must utilize the NUnit framework.

How do I open a report in TestNG?

What are TestNG Reports?

  1. The TestNG will generate the default report.
  2. When you execute testng. xml file, and refresh the project. You will get test-output folder in that folder for reporting in TestNG.
  3. Right click on the emailable-report. html and select the option. Open with the web browser.