
How do I overcome my fear of confrontation?

How do I overcome my fear of confrontation?


  1. Identify the problems with being a pushover.
  2. List what you might gain by speaking up.
  3. Reconsider your assumptions about confrontation.
  4. Address one issue at a time.
  5. Stick to “I” statements and work on staying calm.
  6. Keep practicing one small step at a time.

What is the phobia of confrontation?

Conflict phobia. This is intense physical distress, anxiety, and panic symptoms when in a disagreement. Overestimating the discomfort or harm that the other person will suffer when confronted. Feeling inferior to the point where you never place your needs above another’s.

How do you mentally prepare for confrontation?

Here are five key strategies:

  1. Mentally prepare. Carefully evaluate what you’re thinking and feeling, and identify the real issue that you need to address.
  2. Set the stage.
  3. Engage productively.
  4. Say it well.
  5. Believe in the possibility of a mutually-satisfying resolution.
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Why do I get so anxious about confrontation?

You fear confrontation because you fear failure – You don’t want to be wrong in front of others. You’re afraid you might not be liked – You’re scared that the other person will stop liking you, or like you a lot less, after a confrontation.

Why do I shy away from confrontation?

Conflict avoidance is a type of people-pleasing behavior that typically arises from a deep rooted fear of upsetting others. Many of these tendencies can be traced back to growing up in an environment that was dismissive or hypercritical.

Why do I get shaky during confrontation?

Adrenaline works directly on receptor cells in muscles to speed up the contraction rate of the fibres, ready for fighting or fleeing. High levels of adrenaline can therefore lead to muscles twitching uncontrollably, making us shake.

Why am I afraid of physical confrontation?

You fear confrontation because you fear failure – You don’t want to be wrong in front of others. You’re not confident in delivering your side of the argument – Perhaps your speaking skills aren’t as good as you’d like them to be, and you’re afraid you won’t get your point across.

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What do you call a person who avoids conflict?

pacifist Add to list Share. A person who opposes the use of war or violence to settle a dispute is called a pacifist. A pacifist is a peacemaker — even its Latin origins of pax, or “peace” and facere, “to make” show it. If you are a pacifist, you avoid physical confrontations.