
How do I protect my home against intruders?

How do I protect my home against intruders?

Securing the Exterior of Your Home to Help Deter Burglars

  1. Take a Walk Around Your Property and Think Like a Burglar.
  2. Keep Shrubbery Neatly Trimmed to Help Cut Down on Intruder Hiding Spots.
  3. Use lights to deter burglars.
  4. Use Technology to Keep an Eye on Things at Home.

How can I protect my house?

Here are 11 easy ways to secure your home

  1. Secure the doors.
  2. Lock the windows.
  3. Light up the landscape.
  4. Set up a security system.
  5. Don’t forget the garage.
  6. Lock down your Wi-Fi network.
  7. Eliminate hiding places.
  8. Add security cameras.

What facilities are needed to keep your home safe?

Home security tips

  • Get an alarm system. It’s hard to determine exactly how many potential intruders are put off by home alarm systems.
  • Permit/license your alarm.
  • Add window sensors.
  • Add glass break sensors.
  • Add a security sign.
  • Add security stickers.
  • Add a security camera.
  • Turn old cell phones into security cameras.
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How do you know if your house is being cased?

Signs Someone Is Casing Your House & Your House Is Being Targeted by Burglars.

  1. Unfamiliar Vehicles.
  2. Strangers Walk around the Street or Neighborhood.
  3. Door-to-door Scams.
  4. Flyers or Stickers.
  5. Toilet Excuse.
  6. Strangers Request for Help with Different Excuses.
  7. Strange Markings around the House.
  8. Strangers Take Pictures & Walk Away.

Should you keep porch lights on at night?

When you’re home at night This is a good time to leave the porch light on. It alerts burglars to your presence, particularly if indoor lights are on too. The porch light also acts as a spotlight on the front door.

How do you scare an intruder?

Installing motion detector lights is a great way to scare off anyone trying to enter your home at night. A motion detector light not only makes the person visible to you and others, but also lets a burglar know that you are monitoring your home.