
How do I query wikidata API?

How do I query wikidata API?

You can query the data in Wikidata through our SPARQL endpoint, the Wikidata Query Service. The service can be used both as an interactive web interface, or programmatically by submitting GET or POST requests to .

Is DBpedia the same as Wikipedia?

DBpedia is a great and active project dealing with structured data and Wikipedia. DBpedia extracts structured data from the infoboxes in Wikipedia, and publishes them in RDF and a few other formats. Wikidata provide a secondary and tertiary database of structured data that everyone can edit.

How do you use wikidata query service?

In the query editor, you can press Ctrl + Space (or Alt + Enter or Ctrl + Alt + Enter ) at any point in the query and get suggestions for code that might be appropriate; select the right suggestion with the up / down arrow keys, and press Enter to select it.

What is wikidata query service?

SPARQL (pronounced “sparkle”) is an RDF query language, that is, a semantic query language for databases. Wikidata provides an SPARQL endpoint including a powerful Web-GUI since September 2015. With SPARQL you can extract any kind of data, with a query composed of logical combinations of triples.

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How do I create a Wikidata page?

From the “Item by tile” search, you can reach the “Create a new item” page by clicking the link below the search bar, or by clicking “Create a new item” on the main navigation bar on the left side of the screen. The “Create a new item” interface will ask for you to enter a label and a description.

What is the difference between Wikidata and Wikipedia?

The content of Wikidata is available under a free license, exported using standard formats, and can be interlinked to other open data sets on the linked data web. Wikipedia is the open source encyclopedia within the MediaWiki universe. A page in Wikipedia is an article to which Wikidata can link.

How do I create a wikidata page?

How do I create a new item on wikidata?

You can do this either by clicking on the link provided at the bottom of the item by title search page when a search is unsuccessful or by clicking “Create a new Item” on the menu to the left. From either link, you will be taken to a page that asks you to give the new item a label and a description.

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How do I add an image to wikidata?

Go to the WikiData entry that you’re interested in.

  1. Look under Statements where you’ll see a list of different boxes with different items of information.
  2. In the box marked ‘property’, enter ‘image’ or ‘P18’ which is the number code for images.