
How do I see my answered asks on Tumblr?

How do I see my answered asks on Tumblr?

1. If the post is tagged with your username, go to (but insert your actual username). I’ve been doing my best to tag asks with usernames for a while now, so this should work for recent answers.

Does Tumblr notify you when your ask is answered?

Yes. Tumblr now notifies you on the Desktop Dashboard — and in Activity from the desktop — when your ask messages have been answered. When you click the notification, Tumblr takes you to the answer post (if the response was published) or your Inbox (if the response was answered privately).

Can you talk privately on Tumblr?

You can privately answer a message from a Tumblr follower using the Tumblr Fan Mail feature. The Fan Mail feature is the Tumblr version of a private messaging platform. If a follower sent you a Fan Mail or Ask message, simply respond privately to the message to communicate with only the other user.

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Can you delete a Tumblr ask?

Deleting Messages Any fan mail sent directly to you appears here, as do submissions to your blog and any questions sent through the Tumblr ask feature (if enabled). To delete a message, click the cross icon next to it and then click “OK.”

How do you turn on anonymous mode on Tumblr?

Tell users how to submit a post in the Submission Guidelines box. Explain that if a user wants to submit anonymously, he should type “anonymous” in the Name field on the submission form. A nickname may be entered, too, as Tumblr does not require the use of real names.

What does posting privately on Tumblr do?

The post will not be published to your blog, and you’re the only one who can see it. If you share the URL of a private post, other users will be able to access and view the post. Private posts on secondary / group blogs can be seen by other Admins or Members.

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How do you find out anonymous questions on Tumblr?

As of now, there’s no way of tracking anons on Tumblr. The only way you can try to track them is by adding a visitor tracker to your blog, like StatCounter , which allows you to see the visitors’ paths in your blog. However, it’s wise for you to note that this is not an easy way of tracking anons.

How do you send fanmail on Tumblr?

To send Fan Mail #1: From your Dashboard, click the envelope icon. Your Inbox appears. Click Send Fan Mail. Enter blog username, write a message and click Send.

What happens when you get blocked on Tumblr?

What Blocking Does. Blocking someone on Tumblr primarily prevents that user from communicating with you in any way. He will not be able to see anything from you in his dashboard, and you won’t see him in your dashboard. He will also not be able to send you messages of any kind.