
How do I see posts on my Facebook page?

How do I see posts on my Facebook page?

Here’s How to Still See Posts from Your Favorite Pages After Major Changes to Facebook News Feed

  1. On the Facebook homepage, click the drop-down arrow on the top right and select “News Feed Preferences”.
  2. Select “Prioritize who to see first”.
  3. Choose “Pages only” in the view options.

Why are my posts not showing up on Facebook business page?

The only DEFINITE way to ensure people who have Liked your page see updates in their News Feed is for them to manually choose when they Like your page. If the “Default” option is chosen, business page posts will not be seen UNLESS the Facebook user has their News Feed set to “Most Recent.”

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Why won’t Facebook post my post?

A variety of problems can get in the way of you posting pictures to your Facebook account: a browser issue, a problem with the size or format of the photos, or even a technical fault with Facebook itself. An unstable connection to the Web can also cause difficulties with posting pictures.

How do I change my post visibility on Facebook?

Tap in the top right of Facebook, then tap your name. Scroll down to the post you want to edit. Tap in the top right of the post and select Edit Privacy. Select a new audience from the options that appear (example: Public, Friends, Only Me).

Why I can’t post on my timeline?

Then make sure your privacy settings allow your friends to post to your timeline. Find the “Timeline and Tagging” section and click the “Edit Settings” link. In the pop-up window that appears, look at the first setting—the one labeled “Who can post on your timeline.” Is it set to “No One”? If so, that’s the culprit.

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How do I know if my page is published?

Facebook page visibility settings Click on Settings – you’ll find the settings tab if you scroll down the menu on the left hand side. It’s at the bottom. With General selected you should now see a row labelled Page visibility. If the page is published then Page published will be selected.