
How do I surrender my Comedk seat?

How do I surrender my Comedk seat?

Select a seat as per availability and pay Rs 55000/- at counselling venue. Cancel your seat, by submitting Surrender Form Online. Surrender Form will be available in COMEDK Application form during the surrender period. Surrender dates will be announced later.

How do I cancel my COMEDK App 2021?

Login to yohr account in COMEDK website and fillup seat surrender form to withdraw from counselling. If you wish to participate further then you can select Reject&Uograde optiin. Candidates need to bring DD of 5000 rs and all documents for next round counselling. You can submit surrender firm to cancel your seat then.

Is COMEDK Counselling fee is refundable?

Yes it is refundable. Fee will be refunded if the candidate has opted for Reject and Withdraw after Round 1.

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What happens after the KCET allotment of seats is announced?

After announcement of KCET allotment of seats for a particular round, candidates will have to check and decide over the colleges so allotted to them. If they are satisfied with the institute allotted, they will proceed with admission and if not, they will continue with the next round of KCET 2021 seat allotment.

What is the difference between COMED-K and KCET?

However, the examination rules and difficulty level for KCET is a bit more than COMED-K. Students can also check the syllabus for KCET and COMED-K exam pattern to get more insights into the type of questions asked in both the exams. The fee structure for KCET is lesser than COMED-K.

What are the reserved seats in KCET 2021 second round?

Seats reserved under rural and Kannada medium quota shall be filled under KCET 2021 allotment second round. Under this round of KCET seat allotment 2021, seats remaining vacant after the first round shall be filled for categories of SCG, STG, 1G, 2AG, 2BG, 3AG, 3BG, GMR and GMK along with others.

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What is COMEDK UGET seat allotment?

COMEDK UGET Seat Allotment will be held separately for all the categories (General Merit, HKR/Tulu Minority/Karnataka Christian Minority and Non-Karnataka Christian Minority). After the allotment of seats, students can choose any one of the options to either Upgrade, Reject, Accept or Withdraw from the allotted seat. Check COMEDK UGET Cutoff