
How do lifeguards save someone?

How do lifeguards save someone?

Lifeguards are trained for advanced first aid, CPR and the use of AED (automated external defibrillator), open water life saving techniques; and aquatic and rescue procedures. Excellent swimming skills and physical endurance are some of the obvious skills one requires as a lifeguard.

How do you save someone who is drowning?

What to do if someone is drowning

  1. Try to wake the casualty.
  2. Lie them on their back and tilt their chin and head backwards to help clear their airway.
  3. Give them 5 rescue breaths.
  4. CPR.
  5. If you are on your own, then once you’ve done 5 rescue breaths and one minute of CPR you can take the time to call the emergency services.

Should you save a drowning person?

What to do if you witness someone drown. Call for emergency help. Do NOT attempt to rescue the drowning person by entering the water if you have not been trained as you will be endangering yourself. Once the drowning person is on dry land, begin resuscitation/CPR if there is no spontaneous breathing or pulse.

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How do you rescue a passive drowning victim?

Passive Drowning Victim Rescues

  1. Rear Approach. A lifeguard approaches the victim from behind and places the rescue tube at a minimum underneath the victim’s back.
  2. Approach Without a Change in Direction.
  3. Shallow Water Passive Victim.

How long do you have to save someone drowning?

The answer is as simple as it is unsettling: To save the life of a drowning person, a lifeguard has about as much time as it takes to cook a soft-boiled egg, or roughly three minutes. Drowning, as lifeguards know, takes place in a rapid and unspectacular series of stages.

How do you save a person who has drowned?

How hard is it to save a drowning person?

It can be difficult, but you need to try to calm yourself enough to be able to think clearly and act quickly. This is how you’ll be most effective when you think about attempting to save a drowning person. Another critical thing you have to remember is to avoid doing anything that will put you in danger.