
How do scientists find ore deposits?

How do scientists find ore deposits?

Geologists find ore deposits by testing the chemistry of the rock and soil. They can also determine the size of the deposit.

How was ore mined in ancient times?

Mining began because the people who wanted to get and use metals (primarily tin, copper, lead, silver and gold) used up all the nuggets they found lying on the ground and in stream beds. They then began digging into outcrops, then followed the veins, down into the ground.

How do you find mineral deposits?

The mineral extraction process begins with finding the location of mineral deposits. Remote sensors that use satellite images and geochemical surveys are just two ways that minerals can be located. Many minerals are then removed through mining or quarrying.

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How was mining done in the past?

History of Mining Technology In the beginning, miners used primitive tools for digging. Mining shafts were dug out by hand or using stone tools, making the entire process very lengthy. Eventually, the pick and hammer were replaced with fire to clear tunnels and reach greater depths at a faster rate.

How did people find iron ore?

Most early iron produces in Europe came from bog iron ore, which is formed by bacterial action in swamps and can simply be dug out using a shovel. Early smelters used one time furnaces built out of clay, with a simple blower.

How are magmatic ore deposits formed?

Magmatic ore deposits, also known as orthomagmatic ore deposits, are deposits within igneous rocks or along their contacts in which ore minerals crystallised from a melt or were transported in a melt. A magmatic system will extend from the mantle to the upper crust in most cases (Figure 2.1).

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Where can you find ore mineral deposits give some examples?

Mineral deposits have been found both in rocks that lie beneath the oceans and in rocks that form the continents, although the only deposits that actually have been mined are in the continental rocks. (The mining of ocean deposits lies in the future.)

How did they mine for gold in the olden days?

Panning was the oldest and simplest way to separate gold from surrounding rock. It was the most basic method to obtain placer gold. Gold panning was slow even for the most skillful miner. On a good day, one miner could wash about 50 pans in the usual 12-hour workday and obtain a small amount of gold dust.

What is the oldest mine in the world?

The oldest mine in the world is the chert (silica) mine at Nazlet Sabaha, Garb, Egypt. It is estimated to have first been in use around 100,000 years ago.