
How do words and sounds get from the microphone to a speaker?

How do words and sounds get from the microphone to a speaker?

A microphone converts sound into a small electrical current. Sound waves hit a diaphragm that vibrates, moving a magnet near a coil. In some designs, the coil moves within a magnet. Other microphones, such as condenser microphones, work on the principle of capacitance.

What causes feedback in microphone?

Feedback occurs whenever the sound entering a microphone is reproduced by a loudspeaker, picked up by the microphone, and re-amplified again and again. Other contributing factors are too many open microphones, poor room acoustics, and uneven frequency response in the microphones or the loudspeakers.

Can microphones be damaged by loud noises?

Myth: Loud sounds can blow out a microphone. Generally it is not at all likely that a loud sound will damage a microphone. A dynamic microphone can handle levels above 150dB SPL. Classical ribbon microphones that use an aluminum ribbon can be damaged not by sound pressure but by a puff of air.

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Can speakers be damaged by sound?

Playing music/audio too loud may cause damage to speakers due to excess heat in the drivers or even mechanical failure of the driver suspension. Speakers have power ratings that, when exceeded (by increasing the amplifier/volume control), will burn/melt the driver coil and damage the speaker.

How does a microphone connect to a speaker?

Some powered loudspeakers will have mic inputs. In this case, it is easy to connect a microphone directly to the speaker and have the internal amplifier of the speaker boost the mic level signal to speaker level. Mic inputs are generally XLR. The same is true for loudspeakers with mic inputs.

How do I turn my microphone into a speaker?

1) Right click on the speaker icon 🔊 in your system tray (bottom right of your screen). Go to Recording devices . 3) Switch to the “Listen” tab, check off “Listen to this device” . While Listen is checked, your microphone will be audible through your speakers, and in a more advanced facet, through stereo mix.

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Can you ruin a microphone?

False. Generally it is not at all likely that a loud sound will damage a microphone. It is almost impossible to physically damage a dynamic microphone at any achievable sound level. Classical ribbon microphones that use an aluminum ribbon can be damaged not by sound pressure but by a puff of air.

Can feedback ruin a microphone?

No. Remember, it’s all just sound to the mic. There’s nothing special happening electrically to it during a feedback squeal.