
How do you attempt a cat RC?

How do you attempt a cat RC?

Listed below are simple pointers that will help you score more and with better accuracy:

  1. Don’t go linear: Don’t go linear while attempting the VA section.
  2. Scan the paper: Even before you start attempting, scan the entire paper.
  3. Non-RC Questions: While Scanning the RCs also scan the Non-RC questions.

How do you analyze RC in cats?

Keep these things in mind when you next analyse mocks.

  1. Analysis Activity-1: Solve all incorrect questions.
  2. Analysis Activity-2: Check your gut-feeling.
  3. Analysis Activity-3: Solve unsolved RCs.
  4. Analysis Activity-4: Identify areas of Reading Discomfort.
  5. Analysis Activity-5: Time-wise Analysis and Accuracy Analysis.

What are the tips for attempting comprehension of an unseen passage?

How to Attempt Comprehension Passages?

  • Do not use outside knowledge.
  • Make logical guesses.
  • Review the Answer at least twice.
  • Always read the instructions carefully.
  • Always go through the questions first.
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How do you approach RC?

CAT VA-RC Tips | Test-Day Strategy – 4 Things To Keep In Mind

  1. Accuracy Over Attempts – Always.
  2. Start With Verbal Ability, Then Move On To Reading Comprehension.
  3. Take Genuine Interest In RC Essays.
  4. Search For Specific Answers To Specific Questions.
  5. Reading Is Important, But Mock Tests Are Much More Important.

How can I increase the speed of my RC cat?

How to Improve Reading Speed for CAT Exam 2021?

  1. Skipping the passage completely.
  2. Poriborton Method.
  3. Tracing the passage with a pen or a finger.
  4. Increasing Eye Span.
  5. Cultivating a hobby of reading extensively.
  6. Practice, Practice and Practice.

What should be the reading speed for cat?

The average word per minute a college student reads is 280. But for CAT, this has to reach a minimum of 450-500 words per minute.