
How do you calculate the quadrupole moment of a nucleus?

How do you calculate the quadrupole moment of a nucleus?

The electric quadrupole moment has the units of Coulomb x meter2. It is sometimes tabulated in units of e x 10-24 cm2 where e is the electron charge. In nuclear cross-section measurements, the quantity 10-24 cm2 is called a “barn” and is represented by b….Electric Quadrupole Moments of Nuclei.

Nuclide Q (eb)
161Dy +2.4
176Lu +8.0
209Bi -0.37

What is meant by quadrupole moment?

The quadrupole moment of a nucleus is usually defined1 as “the quantity (3z2 — r2)Av, where the average is taken over the nuclear charges for the state which has the maximum component of spin I in the z direction”.

What is the quadrupole moment of a molecule?

The Quadrupolar Phenomenon A molecular quadrupole moment arises from an uneven distribution of charge inside a molecule. Unlike a molecular dipole moment, quadrupole moments cannot be described using two point charges separated by a distance.

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What is the quadrupole in physics?

A quadrupole or quadrapole is one of a sequence of configurations of things like electric charge or current, or gravitational mass that can exist in ideal form, but it is usually just part of a multipole expansion of a more complex structure reflecting various orders of complexity.

What is the value of electric quadrupole moment for spherical nucleus?

For nuclei, the quadrupole moment characterizes the deviation of the charge distribution from sphericity. In spherically symmetric nuclei, it is zero. However, in nonspherical nuclei the quadrupole moment is nonzero.

For which of the nuclei the quadrupole moment will remain zero?

The above expression shows that a nucleus will posses a finite quadrupole moment only when the protons are placed asymmetrically. However, if the arran- gement of protons is symmetrical to three axes, the net quadrupole moment is zero.

What is quadrupole moment of benzene?

Benzene has no dipole moment, but it does have a large, permanent quadrupole moment. Recall from our discussion in Chapter 1 that a quadrupole moment is simply two dipoles aligned in such a way that there is no net dipole. The quadrupole mo- ment of benzene is of the form in which two dipoles are aligned end-to-end.

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What is a quadrupole in chemistry?

A molecule with a quadrupole will have no dipole moment because the two dipoles present in the molecule cancel each other out. Definition for quadrupole mass filter : used in mass spec, this tool has four voltage-carrying rods which serve to give ions which travel between them oscillations. …

How does a quadrupole work?

The quadrupole consists of four parallel metal rods. Each opposing rod pair is connected together electrically, and a radio frequency (RF) voltage with a DC offset voltage is applied between one pair of rods and the other. Ions travel down the quadrupole between the rods.

How does a quadrupole magnet work?

Quadrupole magnets are useful as they create a magnetic field whose magnitude grows rapidly with the radial distance from its longitudinal axis. The simplest magnetic quadrupole is two identical bar magnets parallel to each other such that the north pole of one is next to the south of the other and vice versa.

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What is the significance of electric quadrupole moment?

The nuclear electric quadrupole moment gives a measure of the deviation of the nucleus, or more precisely of its charge distribution, from a spherical shape and hence is an important source of information about nuclear structure.

Is co2 a quadrupole?

The symmetric molecule carbon dioxide has a permanent electrical quadrupole moment that can be described as two electrical dipoles sitting back-to-back and pointing in opposite directions. In contrast, nitrogen, hydrogen, and methane have much smaller quadrupole moments.