
How do you convert Poramboke land to Patta?

How do you convert Poramboke land to Patta?

How to get patta for poramboke land in Tamil Nadu?

  1. Obtain EB receipt of the land.
  2. Go to the VAO and produce the EB receipt or house tax receipt.
  3. The VAO will issue patta by collecting land value depending on the income level.

How do I get Natham Patta?

Still, if you want to apply for a tn Patta for natham land, you can directly contact with the Village administration officer, or you can find a patta agent in Chennai who will help you.

Can we get Patta for Grama natham?

Grama Natham land may be less liquid when compared to Patta lands, as there are fewer buyers for such properties. If a Grama Natham property is owned by an individual, applying for Patta is still feasible but is not easy to obtain. It is vital to note that Grama Natham land can never be used for commercial activities.

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How can I get Patta for non Patta land in Tamilnadu?

The following is the procedure for obtaining Patta Chitta online.

  1. Step 1: Go to Patta Chitta Website.
  2. Step 2: Select View Patta and FMB, Chitta or TSLR Extract.
  3. Step 3: Details of Property.
  4. Step 4: Patta Chitta from Town Survey Land Register.
  5. Documents Required for Patta Transfer.

What is natham Poramboke land?

Grama Natham can be defined as land upon which houses can be built in a village. Poramboke land is often compared with Grama Natham. “Poram” means outside, and “boke” means revenue record. Hence the word, poramboke, can be defined as land which lies outside revenue records.

What is the meaning of Poramboke land?

land that belongs to the government.

Can we buy Natham Poramboke land?

The other name of the Poramboke land is Natham land. Well, a Poramboke land is nothing but the land that doesn’t fall under the list of revenue records. To be precise, it is the land that stays outside the revenue accounts. And for this reason, there are no owners of these Poramboke lands.

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What is Natham Poramboke land?

How can I check Poramboke land in Tamilnadu?

Commercial Taxes and Registration Department Back

  1. Organisation Name : Commercial Taxes and Registration.
  2. Category : Government To Citizen.
  3. Service Title : Verify Poramboke Land.
  4. Description : Online verification of Poromboke Lands in Tamil Nadu.
  5. Url :

Can I get CMDA approval for Grama natham land?

1) you need to take permission from the village pradhan and not from comes.

Is Poramboke a English word?

This word ‘poramboke’ refers to ‘the commons’, that is, to rivers, lakes, marsh lands, grazing lands, mangroves, etc.

Will we give clear details about poramboke in Tamil?

Yes, we will give clear details about poramboke. Here the TN peoples who are searching word like a How to get for grama natham land in Tamilnadu in Tamil, Natham veetu manai patta, Natham patta details in Tamil. Requirements are needed Grama natham patta verify?

How to claim Patta for poramboke land?

Once the villagers construct their huts in the land, they can now claim the patta of that land. To get the patta for Poramboke land, they have to show their EB receipt to the revenue department.

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How can I claim patta on Natham land?

When it is occupied by villagers by putting up huts or pucca houses then they can claim patta from Revenue Department by showing their EB receipt or house tax receipt.Patta will be issued either free of cost or by collecting land value depending upon their income level. Patta will not be issued i f the Natham land is used for commercial purpose.

What is the meaning of Natham porampoke patta?

Natham Poramboke is a waste land in the terms of the Revenue department. Usually, in the olden days the farmers used the vaccant site in front of their house for thrash the Paddy crop. Gradually, that site become the usages of that farmer, and this will happen to get patta on that land which has known as Natham Porampoke patta