
How do you design a gearbox?

How do you design a gearbox?

The first step in the gearbox design process is to select the material. A material is to be selected by doing intensive research on the properties of the various materials. A material is to be selected keeping in mind the various parameters like strength, weight, durability, cost and other parameters.

How do you create a gearbox calculation?

The gear ratio is calculated by dividing the output speed by the input speed (i= Ws/ We) or by dividing the number of teeth of the driving gear by the number of teeth of the driven gear (i= Ze/ Zs).

What is structural diagram in gear box design?

The structural diagram is a kinematic layout that shows the arrangement of gears in a gear box. The speed diagram, also known as ray diagram, is a graphical representation of the structural formula. The function of spacers is to provide the necessary distance between the gears and the bearings.

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How is gear box torque calculated?

Gear Reducer Torque = 9550 * Motor power / Rated Power motor’s input revolution*Ratio* gear reducer efficiency. The above calculation is the torque equation. Motor power = torque ÷ 9550 × Rated power’s motor input speed /Ratio /service factor.

How do you measure gearbox size?

To obtain the basic size of gearbox, the nominal torque at the output shaft is calculated, using the absorbed torque at the driven machine, or the prime mover torque multiplied by the gearbox ratio, if the absorbed torque is unknown.

Which method is used for changing speed in gear boxes?

The two methods used for changing speeds in gear boxes are i. Silding mesh gear box and ii. Constant mesh gear box. When the spindle speeds are arranged in geometric progression, then the ratio between the two adjacent speeds is known as step ratio or progression ratio.

What are speed steps in gearbox?

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It provides information such as speed in each stage, the transmission ratio in each stage, The total number of speeds and its values. The following diagram is a ray diagram of a 12 speed gearbox….

Output Speed Structural Formula Stages
6 3 (1) 2 (3) 2 (1) 3 (2) 2 2
8 1 (1) 2 (2) 2 (4) 4 (1) 2 (4) 3 2
9 3 (1) 3 (3) 2