
How do you determine the chloride content of a sample of water?

How do you determine the chloride content of a sample of water?

As tap water, surface water or mineral water contain chloride ions at low concentration levels, chloride determination should be performed by titration with silver nitrate (AgNO3) as titrant. Standard NF ISO 9297 is based on the Mohr method.

How do you find the chloride ion in water?

The presence of chloride content in water in high concentration indicates its pollution due to industrial waste and sewage. Chloride content in water sample is determined by Mohr’s Method i.e. by titrating the water sample with Standard Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) solution with Potassium Chromate (K2CrO4) as an indicator.

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How do you calculate the concentration of chloride in water?

Method 1: Chloride Concentration and Salinity (ISE) A Vernier Chloride Ion-Selective Electrode is used to measure the chloride ion concentration in the water (in mg/L) either on site or after returning to the lab. Salinity can be determined using the relationship, salinity (ppt) = 0.0018066 5 Cl– (mg/L).

Why do we determine chloride in water?

The measured chloride ions can be used to know salinity of different water sources. For brackish water (or sea water or industrial brine solution), it is an important parameter and indicates the extent of desalting of apparatus required.

How do you determine the chloride content of a sample?

The concentration of chloride ions is determined by subtracting the titration findings of the moles of silver ions that reacted with the thiocyanate from the total moles of silver nitrate added to the solution. This method is used when the pH of the solution, after the sample has been prepared, is acidic.

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Why is chloride in water?

The presence of chloride in groundwater can result from a number of sources including the weathering of soils, salt-bearing geological formations, deposition of salt spray, salt used for road de-icing, contributions from wastewaters and in coastal areas, intrusion of salty ocean water into fresh groundwater sources.

Why do we test chloride in water?

The deterioration of metals, particularly iron, is greatly accelerated when the metal is contami nated with chloride ions. Chloride ions are found in table salt, in sea water, on skin, and in the soil. be monitored by testing the rinse water for the presence of chloride ions flushed from the ob ject.

What is the concentration of chloride ions in NaCl?

Sodium chloride contains 39.3\% sodium and 60.7\% chloride by weight, as determined from the atomic weight of sodium (22.99 g/mol) and chlorine (35.45 g/mol).

How do you calculate chloride?


  1. \%Cl = ((mL AgN03 for sample – mL AgN03 for blank) X NAgN03 X 3.545)/g sample.
  2. \%NaCl = \%Cl (1.65)
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What is chloride test in water?

When a few drops of a silver nitrate solution are added to a slightly acidic aqueous solution that contains chloride ions, a white precipitate of silver chloride will form. With this test, users should be able to detect chloride ion concentrations as low as 1 ppm.

How can you determine chloride in a given sample?