
How do you find the sum of the digits of a number in Python while loop?

How do you find the sum of the digits of a number in Python while loop?

Python Program to Find the Sum of Digits in a Number

  1. Take the value of the integer and store in a variable.
  2. Using a while loop, get each digit of the number and add the digits to a variable.
  3. Print the sum of the digits of the number.
  4. Exit.

How do you sum digits of a number in Python?

Method-3: Using General Approach:

  1. Get the number.
  2. Declare a variable to store the sum and set it to 0.
  3. Repeat the next two steps till the number is not 0.
  4. Get the rightmost digit of the number with help of remainder ‘\%’ operator by dividing it with 10 and add it to sum.
  5. Divide the number by 10 with help of ‘//’ operator.

How do you find the sum of a group of numbers in Python?

To calculate the sum of set in Python, use the sum() method. Define a set and pass the set as a parameter to the sum() function, and in return, you will get the sum of set items.

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How do you find the sum in Python?

How to compute the sum of a list in python

  1. def sum_of_list(l): total = 0. for val in l: total = total + val. return total. ​ my_list = [1,3,5,2,4]
  2. def sum_of_list(l,n): if n == 0: return l[n]; return l[n] + sum_of_list(l,n-1) ​ my_list = [1,3,5,2,4]
  3. my_list = [1,3,5,2,4] print “The sum of my_list is”, sum(my_list) Run.

How do you write an addition in Python?

Python Program to Add Two Numbers

  1. a = int(input(“enter first number: “))
  2. b = int(input(“enter second number: “))
  3. sum = a + b.
  4. print(“sum:”, sum)

How do you sum a column in Python?

Use pandas. Series. sum() to find the sum of a column

  1. print(df)
  2. column_name = “a”
  3. print(column_sum)

How do you find the sum of three numbers in Python?

“add 3 numbers in python” Code Answer’s

  1. a = int(input(“Enter first number:”))
  2. b = int(input(“Enter second number:”))
  3. sum = a+b.
  4. print(sum)