
How do you make rdr2 more interesting?

How do you make rdr2 more interesting?

Here’s how to make Red Dead Redemption 2 a lot more fun to play

  1. Go to ‘third person controls’
  2. Change control scheme to ‘Standard FPS’.
  3. Now go to ‘Accessibility’, go to ‘Running Mode’ and change it to ‘Toggle to Run’.

How do you use Arthur’s special ability?

To use this abilities, you need to arm an weapon then hold the L2 button to aim. Then pressing R3 button will activate the Dead Eye. To target multiple enemies.

Can you make Arthur Morgan fat?

To do so, Arthur Morgan is going to need to eat—a lot. It’s going to take some time, but if the player regularly eats a substantial amount of food, they will gain weight, and eventually become overweight. To do this as quickly as possible, set aside some time to simply eat and rest, repeatedly.

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Is it best to be good or bad in Red Dead Redemption 2?

Generally speaking, having high Honor will get you the discounts and outfits to unlock, but being bad also pays a little if you’re fan of booze and smoking and Dead Eye shortcuts. So, if you’re planning on buying Red Dead Redemption 2’s best weapons at a knockdown price, be on your best behaviour.

Can Arthur get buff?

No matter how much food Arthur consumed and how often he slept, there is nothing about his outward appearance that suggested becoming fat or overweight. Arthur’s hair and beard grew to great lengths, however, so the game was acknowledging the passage of time. But Arthur doesn’t become fat.

Can Arthur get the legend of the East outfit?

While it cannot be unlocked as Arthur Morgan without downgrading the game and/or using glitches, the cheat “Vanity. All is vanity” can be used to unlock the outfit early.

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Can you sleep with anyone in RDR2?

There are currently only a few things you are prevented from doing in Red Dead Redemption 2. You cannot kill children, or sleep with sex workers – even when they offer you their services.

Are there cars in Red Dead Redemption 2?

While cars already existed during Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2, players can’t drive them. Here’s a closer look at why cars aren’t an option. Both titles in the Red Dead Redemption series have vast open worlds that sprawl across various North American ecosystems.

Do Choices Matter Red Dead 2?

Throughout the game, your choices will dictate whether protagonist Arthur Morgan is an honorable cowboy or a cruel ne’er-do-well. Where Red Dead Redemption 2 diverges from games with similar ethical systems is the difficulty born of choosing a life of crime.

Should I spare Cleet or hang him?

John beats Cleet and, at the advice of Sadie, ultimately decides to put him on the gallows and threaten him with death if he doesn’t talk. John can choose to either hang him or spare him, although sparing Cleet will simply result in him being shot dead by Sadie instead.

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How do I become fat in RDR2?

All players need to do is eat food and then rest by using the kneel option (holding triangle/Y). Continuing to do this should increase Arthur’s weight until it says overweight.

How do you keep Arthur’s weight perfect?

When underweight, Arthur gains a boost to stamina but his health suffers. While the mechanics for the weight system remain somewhat murky, eating two or three times a day will help you achieve and maintain a perfect weight.