
How do you say something is happening now?

How do you say something is happening now?

occurring now

  1. existing.
  2. contemporary.
  3. current.
  4. immediate.
  5. now.
  6. ongoing.
  7. present-day.
  8. taking place.

What can I say instead of at the moment?

at the moment

  • today.
  • directly.
  • forthwith.
  • immediately.
  • instantly.
  • nowadays.
  • straightaway.
  • any more.

What is the word for being present in the moment?

What is another word for present moment?

here and now now
at the present time hic et nunc
with immediate effect at this moment in time
at this moment nowadays
in the present circumstances in the present climate

How do you say still happening?


  1. go on. phrasal verb. to continue happening or doing something as before.
  2. go along. phrasal verb. to continue to happen or develop.
  3. persist. verb. to continue to exist.
  4. live on. phrasal verb. to continue to be alive or exist.
  5. outlive. verb.
  6. remain. verb.
  7. live. verb.
  8. proceed. verb.
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How would you describe living in the moment?

To live in the moment, or now , means being conscious, aware and in the present with all of your senses. It means not dwelling on the past, nor being anxious or worrying about the future. When we concentrate our attention on the present we focus on the task at hand.

What is another word for mindfulness?

What is another word for mindfulness?

care alertness
circumspection heedfulness
carefulness caution
vigilance prudence
watchfulness wariness

What do you call something that keeps happening?

recurrence. noun. formal the process of happening again, either once or several times.

How do you say to continue something?


  1. continue.
  2. endure.
  3. keep on.
  4. last.
  5. persevere.
  6. persist.
  7. remain.
  8. survive.

How do you use still correctly?

We use still to show that something continues up to a time in the past, present or future. It goes in front of the main verb: Even when my father was 65, he still enjoyed playing tennis. It’s past midnight but she’s still doing her homework.