
How do you use fernweh in a sentence?

How do you use fernweh in a sentence?

As a noun meaning “a desire to go to far away places”, practically identical to wanderlust, it represents a notion similar to that of a mental disorder, so you can use it like other nouns of sickness: “I have a headache, and I have fernweh. I need to get out the house.”

What is the meaning of fernweh?

The word fernweh is a combination of the words fern, meaning distance, and wehe, meaning an ache, misery or sickness. It translates to ‘far woe’ or an ache to explore far-flung places. It’s the opposite of heimweh (homesickness), and it’s a pain many of us are feeling now more than ever.

Is fernweh a noun?

Fernweh – noun, German. Today’s word was suggested by archersangel and set me about trying to find the most fernweh image possible. Fernweh is a German word that means wanderlust or farsickness–the kind of opposite of homesickness.

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How do you use wanderlust?

Wanderlust in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Even though I had sprained my ankle, I could not resist my wanderlust and used crutches to walk to the beach with my friends.
  2. Jack quit his job and left town to pursue his wanderlust and meet new people around the globe.

How do I pronounce fernweh?


  1. IPA: /ˈfɛʁnveː/
  2. Audio. (file)
  3. Hyphenation: Fern‧weh.
  4. Audio (Austria) (file)

What language is fernweh?

“Fernweh” is a German word for “farsickness,” the opposite of homesickness. There’s a German word for it: fernweh. It comes from fern (meaning “far”) and weh (defined as “pain,” “misery” or “woe”). Fernweh, then, is “farsickness” or a “longing for far-off places,” especially those you’ve not yet visited.

Who is savvy fernweh?

Savvy Fernweh – Travel & Adventure.

Is wanderlust a German word?

They gave us the word “wanderlust”, after all, which combines the German words wandern, meaning to “wander”, and lust, or “desire”. It’s a word so provocative to English speakers with a yen to see the world that we’ve borrowed it from the German and have taken it as our own.

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What is Sunlust?

Sun lust can be defined as travelling in search of sunshine/Adventure activities/Outdoor activities whereas wanderlust is the desire to travel far away and too many different places to explore those places.

Is fernweh a verb?

#1 Fernweh (n.) Although there’s no direct translation for ‘Fernweh’ in the English language, the literal translation is ‘far-sickness’- it’s one of those compound words I was talking about! The word was originally a German verb ‘Wandern’ (‘to hike’) and still means this in German to this day.