
How do you use immigrated in a sentence?

How do you use immigrated in a sentence?

Immigrated sentence example

  1. Some had no doubt immigrated to Attica when the rest had long been settled there.
  2. Of the population in 1901, 17,245 had immigrated thither from the three mentioned sources.
  3. Along with her two brothers, she was joining her parents, who had immigrated two years earlier.

Is immigrate and emigrate the same thing?

The main difference is that immigrant is used in reference to the country moved to, and emigrant is used in reference to the country moved from. While the words have been used interchangeably by some writers over the years, immigrate stresses entering a country, and emigrate stresses leaving.

When to use emigrate and immigrate in a sentence?

Emigrate vs Immigrate ‘To emigrate’ means to leave your own country and go and live in another country, permanently. My grandparents emigrated from India in 1980. ‘To immigrate’ means to enter and settle in a foreign country, permanently. My grandparents immigrated to Australia in search of better job opportunities.

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What does it mean to immigrant?

: one that immigrates: such as. a : a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence. b : a plant or animal that becomes established in an area where it was previously unknown.

What is an example of emigration?

Emigrants collectively. Emigration is defined as the act of leaving one’s country to live in another. If you live in Ireland and you move to the United States and try to set up permanent citizenship, this is an example of emigration.

What do you call an immigrant?

Immigrant. The term is often used generally to refer to aliens residing in the United States, but its specific legal meaning is any legal alien in the United States other than those in the specified class of nonimmigrant aliens such as temporary visitors for pleasure or students.

What does emigration mean?

Emigration is the relocation or process of people leaving one country to reside in another.

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What is emigration status?

ECR (Emigration Check Required) Passports are required by Indians who wish to travel to certain countries for employment. As per the Emigration Act of 1983, certain passport holders will have to procure an Emigration Clearance from the office of POE or Protector of Emigrants prior to travelling to certain countries.