
How do you use the phrase Mind you?

How do you use the phrase Mind you?

You use mind you to emphasize a piece of information that you are adding, especially when the new information explains what you have said or contrasts with it. Some people use mind in a similar way. They pay full rates. Mind you, they can afford it.

Is using Mind you rude?

2 Answers. I think of “mind you” as meaning something very like “on the other hand”. It introduces a new idea related to the main topic, often a contradiction or counter-example. Teenagers today are terribly rude.

Is Mind you an idiom?

“Mind you” is an idiomatic saying that means to add emphasis on a statement someone is currently making so that any proceeding statements will be completely understood. It usually makes the preceding statement less general and less harsh.

Why do we say mind you?

We usually use “mind you” to show differences between two statements. It has a similar meaning to “however” or “but, just to let you know” or “on the other hand.” It helps us make clear to the listener that we don’t want our statement to be misunderstood.

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Can you use mind you in the beginning of a sentence?

The intonation pattern of a sentence beginning with mind you is different from one ending with mind you. In the latter, the mind you is said unstressed and quickly. In the former, it is said with emphasis to get their attention for what you are going to say.

What does bear in mind mean?

to bear in mind to keep in mind or to keep in mind. phrase. If you tell someone to bear something in mind or to keep something in mind, you are reminding or warning them about something important which they should remember.

What is the meaning of please don’t mind?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English don’t mind mea) used to tell someone not to pay any attention to you If you want to get on and do something, please don’t mind me.

What does mind mean at the end of a sentence?

“Mind you” is an independent clause meaning “Take note” or “Pay attention to this.” When you see “mind” at the end of the sentence, it is a shortened version of that (still an independent clause). Either version can be put at the beginning or end of another statement.

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What does mind due mean?

Obviously it’s a mishearing of ‘mind you,’ but upon reflection I can’t regard it as wrong. The original (or correct, or standard version) makes about as much sense. It’s a kind of verbal pause, another way of saying ‘on the other hand’.

What does didn’t bat an eye mean?

Definition of not bat an eye/eyelash US, informal. : to show no surprise, fear, concern, etc. He thought the news would make her upset, but she never batted an eye. He listened without batting an eyelash.

Should mind be beared?

The correct expression is “to bear (something) in mind”. It simply means that you need to keep something in mind (= remember it). The expression ‘bear in mind’ makes use of the verb “to bear,” which has many meanings, such as “to hold,” “to carry,” “to keep” and is even used as a verb to describe the act of birth.

What does the idiom “mind you” mean?

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mind you A phrase used to indicate that someone must consider or pay attention to a particular piece of information. They are expensive, mind you, but the quality of their craftsmanship is worth the extra price. They can certainly afford to give some of their profits back to their employees, mind you.

What does Mind Your Language mean?

Definition of mind your language/tongue/manners from the Collins English Dictionary. The noun phrase. A noun phrase is a word or group of words that can function as the subject, the object, or the complement in a sentence. The manager interviewed all the applicants on Tuesday.

What does Mind Your Mind mean?

Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind(noun) to fix the mind or thoughts on; to regard with attention; to treat as of consequence; to consider; to heed; to mark; to note Mind(noun) to occupy one’s self with; to employ one’s self about; to attend to; as, to mind one’s business

Do You Mind definition?

do you mind 1. An exclamation of surprise or frustration triggered by someone else’s actions, especially those considered rude or inappropriate. 2. An inquiry for permission.