
How do you use the word succeed in a sentence?

How do you use the word succeed in a sentence?

Succeed sentence example

  1. If I succeed , I want my powers back.
  2. He didn’t succeed in gaining custody.
  3. If you succeed , you leave.
  4. He did not succeed in all that he designed; but he did a great part of his work.
  5. Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed and in such desperate enterprises?

Is work hard grammatically correct?

From a grammatical standpoint, the phrase “work hard” is not correct because “hard” is considered an adjective, not an adverb. On the other hand, “effectively” is an adverb. You use “effectively” to describe the verb…

Which preposition is used with succeed?

To me, to succeed in implies to do well within a context (life), whereas to succeed at implies doing well in conquering a task (life). To succeed in life, one must succeed at being oneself.

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How do you use success and succeed?

See -ceed-. succeed is a verb, success is a noun, successful is an adjective, successfully is an adverb:She wants to succeed in business. She wants success in life.

What is the sentence of hard?

“He hit his head on the hard ground.” “She learned a hard lesson today.” “She had a really hard day.” “That was a hard time for me.”

What does it mean to succeed someone?

1a : to come next after another in office or position or in possession of an estate especially : to inherit sovereignty, rank, or title. b : to follow after another in order. 2a : to turn out well. b : to attain a desired object or end students who succeed in college. 3 obsolete : to pass to a person by inheritance.

Which is correct hard work or work hard?

‘Hard work” is a noun modified by an adjective; “work hard” is a verb modified by an adverb. Only “hard work” is correct in your sentence.

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Are you working hard meaning?

to work hard: to work a lot, to work using much effort. idiom. to hardly work: to work very little. idiom. The question (Are you) working hard or hardly working? is a funny play on words!

Which is correct success in or at?

Successful at – is a generalisation, characterising the areas in which the subject is successful. For example, Billibob is successful at selling used cars. Successful in – is a particular identified achievement. For example, Billibob was successful in his appeal against the prison sentence for misrepresentation.

What is the difference between succeed and succeeded?

As verbs the difference between succeed and succeeded is that succeed is to follow in order; to come next after; hence, to take the place of while succeeded is (succeed).

What tense is succeed?

succeed ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

present tense
I/you/we/they succeed
he/she/it succeeds
present participle succeeding
past tense succeeded

How do you say something is successful?

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  1. successful. adjective. achieving the result that you want.
  2. leading. adjective. main, most important, or most successful.
  3. thriving. adjective. very successful.
  4. high-flying. adjective.
  5. brilliant. adjective.
  6. triumphant. adjective.
  7. someone never looked back. phrasal verb.
  8. distinguished. adjective.