
How do you write a query in Pentaho?

How do you write a query in Pentaho?

You can use the Pentaho Schema Workbench to create this file. Select your data source in the Connections pane on the left, then click the round green + icon above the Available Queries pane on the right. Type a concise yet sufficiently descriptive name for your query in the Query Name field.

How do I run a SQL query from the console?

Step-By-Step Guide

  1. Open the Persona bar.
  2. Navigate to Settings -> Site Settings -> SQL Console.
  3. Write the desired Query. In the example below the query used was “Select * from portals”.
  4. Click on the Run Script button.
  5. If you want to export the output, click on the Export button.

What is transformation in SQL?

Use the SQL transformation to call a stored procedure or function in a relational database or to processes SQL queries midstream in a pipeline. The transformation can call a stored procedure or function, process a saved query, or process a query that you create in the transformation SQL editor.

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How do you use variables in Pentaho?

Set Kettle or Java Environment Variables in the Pentaho MapReduce Job Entry

  1. In the PDI client, double-click the Pentaho MapReduce job entry, then click the User Defined tab.
  2. In the Name field, set the environment or Kettle variable you need.
  3. Enter the value of the variable in the Value field.
  4. Click the OK button.

How do I run a MySQL query in terminal?

First in terminal you have to login using your MySQL username and password Eg: mysql -uroot -p then once loged in select your data base using use then you can run this command.

What are the modes for SQL transformation?

Mode: SQL transformation runs either in script mode or query mode. Active/Passive: By default, SQL transformation is an active transformation. You can configure it as passive transformation. Database Type: The type of database that the SQL transformation connects to.

What are the types of SQL queries you can specify in SQL transformation?

What are the types of SQL queries you can specify in the SQL transformation when you use it in query mode.

  • Static SQL query: The query statement does not change, but you can use query parameters to change the data.
  • Dynamic SQL query: The query statement can be changed.
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How do you pass parameters in Pentaho transformation?

Double click on job/transformation executor step and provide transformation file path details. Go to parameters section and make sure you have checked the Pass all parameter values down to the sub-transformation check box. So now you can utilize same variables in your sub-transformation.